Error while creating Measurement Hypotheses

An error occurs while creating Measurement Hypotheses in Adobe Campaign Classic. It happens because there are no predefined links between the nms:trackingLogRcp and nms:remaMatchRcp.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic v7
  • Adobe Campaign v8


The following error occurs while creating Measurement Hypotheses in Campaign Classic:

NMS-47xxxx No link defined between ‘nms:trackingLogRcp’ and reaction log tables (‘nms:remaMatchRcp’).

Resolution resolution

There are no out-of-the-box links already defined between nms:trackingLogRcp and nms:remaMatchRcp.

The link given below is present in nms:trackingLogRcp.

< element belongsTo=“gam:remaMatchRcp” label=“Reactions of recipients” name=“remaMatchRcp-trackingLog” pkgStatus=“never” revLink=“trackingLog” target=“nms:remaMatchRcp” type=“link” unbound=“true”>

However, in nms:remaMatchRcp, there is a composite key.

< element belongsTo=“gam:remaMatchRcp” label=“Reactions of recipients” name=“remaMatchRcp-trackingLog” pkgStatus=“never” revLink=“trackingLog” target=“nms:remaMatchRcp” type=“link” unbound=“true”>

To resolve this, extend the nms:remaMatchRcp and add the link to the nms:trackingLogRcp.


Links not defined.
