AEM Email Templates not getting synced with Adobe Campaign.

This article helps to understand why the AEM Email Templates are not getting synced with Adobe Campaign. This is resolved by enabling a read and modify permissions on the content folder.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


When a user tries to copy and paste the site’s template on which the Campaign approval workflow is already executed, the cq:acLinks and cq:acUUID properties for Adobe Campaign are not removed.

Due to this, the Adobe Campaign is not able to sync the Email template from AEM and gives up an error: Duplicate acUUID found as cq:acLinks and cq:acUUID properties are unique properties.

Steps to Reproduce:

[ 1] : Create a Site’s Email Template in AEM.
[ 2] : Run Campaign Approval workflow.
[ 3] : Approve the template by completing the workflow steps.
[ 4] : Navigate to crx/de.
[ 5] : The copy/pasted template will contain cq:acLinks and cq:acUUID properties.

Errors in the Logs:

No related errors can be found in the error logs.

Properties of Template in crx/de after Copy-paste operation:

Experienced Behavior:

Expected Behavior:

Resolution resolution

The campaign-property-modification-service is a service user which is used for modifying properties of campaign newsletter on copy and paste function.
This user[ campaign-property-modification-service] should have read and modify permissions on the content folder.

If it doesn’t have read and modify permissions on the content folder, it can’t clean up the cq:acLinks and cq:acUUID properties of the copy-pasted site template.

After providing the user necessary permissions, the properties get cleaned up.

Screenshot of User Permissions:
