Audience Manager and Campaign Integration

If you want to integrate the Adobe Audience Manager and Adobe Campaign, go through this article and follow the steps given here for a hassle-free integration.

Description description


  • Audience Manager
  • Campaign


How to integrate the Adobe Audience Manager and Campaign.

Resolution resolution

This Integration supports two types of Adobe Experience Cloud IDs:

  • Visitor ID: this type of ID allows you to reconcile Adobe Experience Cloud visitors with Adobe Campaign profiles. As soon as a connection is enabled via Adobe IMS, Marketing Cloud Visitor ID Service is activated, which replaces the permanent cookie used by Adobe Campaign. This allows you to identify a visitor then link it to a profile.

    A visitor ID is linked to a profile as soon as the profile clicks in an email sent via Adobe Campaign:

    • If the profile already has a visitor ID, the profile’s browser data allows Adobe Campaign to recover and automatically link the profile to the visitor ID.
    • If no visitor ID is found, a new ID is created. This visitor ID is stored in the profile tracking logs.

    The ID will then be recognized by the other Adobe Marketing Cloud applications with the same CNAME.

  • Declared ID: this type of ID allows you to reconcile any type of data with elements from the Adobe Campaign database. It is represented in Adobe Campaign as a predefined reconciliation key. When exchanging data, the Adobe Campaign database identifiers are hashed. These hashed IDs are then compared to the hashed IDs of the Adobe Marketing Cloud audience involved in the import or export.

This integration supports regular declared IDs, hashed declared IDs, and encrypted declared IDs.


  • Experience Cloud ID service for Visitor ID integration.
  • Visitor ID sync implementation for Declared ID integration. (Sample ID sync code below)​






Following the below steps to enable this integration:

  1. Send a request to the Corporate Provisioning Team (CPT) to enable “People Core Services” by following this document.
  2. The CPT team will provide you with S3 bucket details (inbound and outbound).
  3. Connect with Client Care or Consultant with the S3 bucket details.
  4. Client Care or Consultant will set up 2 new destinations and 2 data sources in AAM for you, depending upon the account type as per this internal article.
  5. Take these S3 buckets, destinations, and data sources details to set up external accounts in the Campaign. Link for ACC | Link for ACS
  6. Once the external accounts are set up, create “New Shared Audiences” and run your import/export audience workflow.

Points to remember:

  1. Import audience workflow will help in pulling data from AAM to Campaign. Ensure that segments are mapped from Campaign UI and not from AAM UI. Step 10 from this document for ACC | Step 5 from this document for ACS.
  2. Export audience workflow will help in sending to AAM from Campaign.
  3. No segment should be mapped from AAM UI otherwise the integration wouldn’t work.