Errors in error.log on both Author & Publish Instances during startup

This article provides steps on how to solve the issue in error.log on both Author & Publish instances during startup by raising a ticket to Adobe Support.

Description description

Experience Manager

There were several noticed errors in error.log on both Author and Publish instances.

- Author error.log:

*ERROR*  aem-api-metrics FrameworkEvent ERROR (org.apache.felix.log.LogException: org.osgi.framework.ServiceException: ServiceFactory.getService() resulted in a cycle.)

org.apache.felix.log.LogException: org.osgi.framework.ServiceException: ServiceFactory.getService() resulted in a cycle.

*ERROR* handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.

*ERROR* handleSecurity: Possible reason is missing Repository service. Check AuthenticationSupport dependencies.

- Publisher error.log

*ERROR*  ROOT bundle org.apache.felix.scr:2.1.30 (32) Circular reference detected trying to get service [ com.adobe.cq.wcm.translation.impl.sync.LanguageCopySynchronizer]

Resolution resolution

Upon analyzing the error logs, it has been noticed that at the time the errors appeared, the instances were still in the  Startup mode, not all bundles being started (For example:  StartupListenerTracker Startup progress: 83% (bundles 489/587)).

Therefore the errors occurred as “not all bundles were started”.

During a restart, or anything that causes a restart such as installing or reinstalling bundles or packages that trigger a re-register of OSGi bundles, these kind of exceptions are common.


If the errors are noticed after an instance is fully started while bundles are also active, a ticket with Adobe Support for further investigation would be advisable.
