How to reproduce activity map’s link report on freeform table in Analytics workspace

Learn how to reproduce activity map’s link report on freeform table in Analytics workspace.

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  • Customer Journey Analytics
  • Analytics


How to reproduce Link Report on the Freeform Table in the Adobe Analytics workspace? What kind of Metrics and Dimensions can be used to produce this?

Resolution resolution

  1. Open a new project in the Adobe Analytics Workspace and drop the Freeform Table from the left rail into the panel.
  2. Next, match the Date Range in the panel to the time period you are reporting on in the Activity Map.
  3. For the Dimension, use Activity Map Page and Activity Map Links & Region. Drop the Activity Map Page on the freeform table, and then drop the Activity Map Links & Region on the page you want to report.

    The item displayed will be a combination of the Link ID and Region items displayed in the Activity Map Link Report. (Example: Link ID=AAA | Region=BBB)
  4. Use Activity Map Instances for Metrics. Insert this Activity Map Instances into the Metrics drop zone at the top.
  5. Now, you can reproduce the same values in the Freeform Table as in the Link Report.

Activity Map reporting in Analytics - Analytics Activity Map dimensions

Note: When you compare the Activity Map’s Link Report with the Freeform Table, you may find Link IDs on the Freeform Table that are not shown in the Link Report. This is because the specifications of the Activity Map’s Link Report and Freeform Table are different.

In the Link Report, only the link elements that exist at the time the Activity Map is launched and the page is loaded will be reported. On the other hand, in the Freeform Table, all links that have been clicked in the past and measured in the Activity Map will be included in the report, even if the link does not currently exist on the target page. In this case, you need to use the Segment or Filter function to remove unnecessary items on the Freeform Table.
