Error: QUE-370030 - You do not have the rights needed on folder

This article addresses a specific error message when Adobe Campaign’s workflow fails due to insufficient rights.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign (AC)
  • Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC)


Workflow fails with the following error:

QUE-370030 You do not have the rights needed on folder of identifier 85948572 (documents of type 'Workflow (workflow)') to complete the operation.

Resolution resolution

The reason for this is that the operator associated to the workflow does not have write access to a required folder.

To correct this, check where the workflow that is running is located (which folder). To do that, go to Administration >   Configuration  > Data schemas and find the xtk:folder schema. Find the folder by the ID in the error, which should be present in the Data tab of the schema. Then configure the list and display Full name which will show the location of the folder.

Go to the folder, right-click on it to display properties. Go to the Security tab and check the operator’s permissions.
