JST-310000 Error while compiling script

Quick guide to fix the  JST-310000 error while compiling script by having a limited number of offers per offer space.

Description description


  • Campaign
  • Campaign Classic


Full error:

SCR-160012 JavaScript: error while evaluating script 'offerMgt/js'


JST-310000 Error while compiling script '/nms/interaction.js' line 7475: objects.children is not a function

Resolution resolution

Root cause of this error is too many old offers (> 100) in the instance.

Best practice:   It is recommended having a limited number of offers per offer space. This ensures faster retrieval of offers in any given space.

Doc: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-classic/using/managing-offers/interaction-overview/interaction-best-practices.html?lang=en#tips-managing-offers
