Configuring real-time reports via API

If you need to set up more than three real-time reports in Adobe Analytics through the real-time API, you may need to apply various permutations and combinations. Refer to this article for steps and pointers to resolve the issue.

Description description


  • Customer Journey Analytics
  • Analytics


Configure real-time reports via real-time Application Programming Interface (API)

Resolution resolution

Real Time reports only take up 3 reports from the UI.
When we set “ui_report”: “true” in Real Time API, reports will be visible in Adobe Real Time reports. It is mandated to set 3 dimensions in API when you set “ui_report”: “true”.
However, if you do set “ui_report”: “false” it is not mandated to set 3 dimensions & now and you can set up maximum 9 reports where “ui_report”: “false” considering there are no reports which are having “ui_report”: “true” and each report has a single dimension.
The reason for this is Report suites can have a maximum of 9 event relations. Which means for real time configuration you cannot specify more than 9 dimensions combining all real time configurations (those having “ui_report”: “true” + “ui_report”: “false”).
So, you can make various permutations and combinations of real time reports via API say

  1. 3 reports having “ui_report”: “true” - Total dimensions will be 9 (3X3)
  2. 2 reports having “ui_report”: “true” + 3 reports having “ui_report”: “false” with single dimension - Total dimensions will be 9 (2X3+3X1)
  3. 1 report with “ui_report”: “true” + 2 reports with “ui_report”: “false” with 2 dimensions in each report - Total dimensions will be 7 (1X3+2X2)

Some good pointers around Real Time APIs:

  1. When using method=Report.Run in API you will only be able to pull those dimensions & metrics in API call which have been already Saved (method=ReportSuite.SaveRealTimeSettings). It won’t work if you save configuration of “prop25” with “instances” via method=ReportSuite.SaveRealTimeSettings and via method=Report.Run you want to grab the value of “prop35” with “instances”.

  2. You can set eVars too in Real Time APIs when “ui_report”: “false”. Thus, with real time APIs you can set eVars too, but in Real Time reports you do not get that feature.
