Getting XML-110011 Unable to find ‘fusion’ element

The issue where Campaign installation fails and throws the error XML-110011 Unable to find ‘fusion’ element, occurs because the fusion schema (xtk:fusion) does not get deleted in the process of postupgrade. This article describes a few options to remove the fusion schema and resolve the error.

Description description


Campaign Classic V7


For On-prem users

After upgrading a Campaign instance to ACC-21.1 build 9342 or higher, when trying to install any Campaign packages, following error occurs:

Resolution resolution

The fusion schema (xtk:fusion) should be deleted in the process of postupgrade. But in some cases, the schema is still present.

When you query the database as follow, you may see the following records:

To remove the xtk:fusion schema, you need to run the postupgrade tool with the “-force” option:

nlserver config -postupgrade -allinstances -force

You should see the following:

If the schema is still present, you can try with the "-force -repair" options:

nlserver config -postupgrade -allinstances -force -repair

If it still does not work, you may have to remove manually the records from the database.
