SMPP protocol analysis using Wireshark

This article will show you how to perform SMPP protocol analysis using Wireshark for Adobe Campaign Classic.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic (ACC)


Learn to analyze SMPP traffic using Wireshark.

Most high-throughput Short Message Service Centers (SMS-C) are compatible with the SMPP protocol version 3.4. This protocol allows sending SMS and receiving information about the delivery of these SMS. The SMPP protocol is documented in the SMPP Protocol Specification v3.4 available on the internet as a PDF document.

This article is not a substitute for this specification: it gives practical tips on how to interpret the protocol specification and match it with the Wireshark display to help troubleshoot problems between Adobe Campaign and the SMS-C partner.

Since the SMPP protocol contains many parts left to the interpretation of the implementation team, there are differences between different SMS-C.

When troubleshooting problems, always contact the SMS-C partner to obtain information or to help you double-check what you get. If the SMS-C replies with an error, your SMS-C partner will be the best person to tell you why it replied with the error. If you are using an SMPP simulator instead of connecting to a real SMS-C, you should use the source code (or a debugger) to understand what is happening.

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Capturing network traffic without Wireshark

If you don’t have direct access to the machine, it may be necessary to capture using command-line tools like tcpdump. If you already know the TCP port of the connection, put the correct filter to avoid capturing all traffic. Here is a sample tcpdump command-line to capture port 12345 to  outfile.pcap:

tcpdump -i any -w outfile.pcap tcp port 12345

The file  outfile.pcap  can then be opened in Wireshark for further analysis.

This topic assumes that you’re familiar with the basics of Wireshark: capturing packets, defining simple filters, reading packet details. A brief introduction is available on howtogeek - How to Use Wireshark to Capture, Filter, and Inspect Packets.

To filter out SMPP traffic in Wireshark, there are three important features:

  • Use a display filter on the port of the SMS-C. For example, if the SMS-C uses port 10000, use the following filter:
    tcp.port == 10000

  • To isolate packets by phone number or by text content, use the search feature with the following settings:

  • Use the Follow TCP stream tool to isolate the stream you are working on.

    Close the red/blue text window that pops up because it is only useful for text protocols which are not relevant to SMPP.


The protocol works over TCP and is fully binary, meaning that special tools like Wireshark (or a hexadecimal editor) are required to decrypt the content of the stream.

The stream is made up of independent PDUs: each PDU is a message containing a command, a status, a sequence number, and other information based on the command.

Due to the nature of TCP as a stream protocol, a TCP packet may contain more than one PDU, and PDUs may span over 2 or more TCP packets. Wireshark will reassemble PDUs correctly, so it is mostly transparent for the Wireshark user.

Here is an example of PDUs passing through the network when sending an MT, then receiving an SR:

Note: The list of standard commands can be found in section of the SMPP specification (SMPP Command set).

SMPP responses

The SMPP protocol requires all commands to be acknowledged by a response PDU:

BIND_TRANSMITTER is acknowledged by  BIND_TRANSMITTER_RESPSUBMIT_SM  is acknowledged by  SUBMIT_SM_RESP, etc.

There is a timeout for responses, it is typically 10, 30, or 60 seconds. The response may contain a positive acknowledgment (command _status = 0) or an error (see 5.1.3  command_statustable 5-2  in the SMPP specification for the list of standard errors). Most of the time, these responses are immediate, and a response timeout is not reached.

Make sure to distinguish between SMPP response errors and SR error codes: the same error code may mean different things in the response error or in the SR error field. When reporting an error code, you must be very careful about where you found it because the meaning of the value depends on its context.

SMPP connection initialization

The SMPP connection starts by connecting using TCP. Then a BIND operation is sent by campaign, acknowledged by a BIND RESP. These operations are described in section 4.1 of the SMPP specification (BIND operation).

The bind operation does the login/password check and exchanges information about the platform name, version, and other fields described in the specification.

Note: The login can be found in the system_id field.

In Campaign, you should see a  BIND_TRANSMITTER  packet when initiating an MT transfer and a  BIND_RECEIVER  packet when  nlsm s  triggers an MO/SR connection.

Transmitter, receiver and transceiver:  The SMPP connector for Campaign Classic works in a separate transmitter/receiver mode: there are two TCP connections, one for transmitting MT and another for receiving MO and SR. Note that the TCP connection is always initiated by Campaign, even for the receiver mode.

SMPP also provides a transceiver mode, but this mode is not implemented in the SMPP connector for Campaign Classic.

The SMPP connector uses multiple connections in parallel to transmit MT. This cannot be controlled because of the way the connector is designed.
Receiving MO
When the receiver is bound, the SMS-C may send MO at any time. The MO is sent using a  DELIVER_SM  PDU with bits 2-5 of  esm_clas s  clear (often,  esm_class  will be simply 0).

The  DELIVER_SM  PDU must be replied to quickly by a  DELIVER_SM_RESP  PDU with the same  sequence_number.
Sending MT
To send an MT, the transmitter must be successfully bound. Before anything else, check that the bind process has been carried out successfully.

The MT is sent in a  SUBMIT_SM  PDU. The SMS-C should quickly reply with a  SUBMIT_SM_RESP  PDU: this response packet is special because it contains the ID of the message in the database of the SMS-C (always include this ID when talking to the SMS-C partner to help him find the message more quickly). This ID will be present in the SR and is the only way to match the MT with its corresponding SR.

The field  registered_delivery  (described in section 5.2.17 of the specification) indicates to the SMS-C whether an SR is requested for this particular MT. If you do not receive SR for a specific message, check that the field is correctly set in the  SUBMIT_SM  PDU.

Encoding of MT
Caution: SMS encoding is a complex subject with many traps and various implementations.

Good practice is always to contact the SMS-C partner in case of encoding problems. Your SMS partner has a precise knowledge of the supported encoding and special rules that may apply due to limitations in their technical platform. Make them check what you send to them and what they send back to you. It is the only path to a successful and stable interconnection.

SMS messages use a special 7 bits encoding, often called the GSM7 encoding. Refer to Wikipedia GSM 03.38 (in English).

In the SMPP protocol, GSM7 text will be expanded to 8 bits per character for easier troubleshooting. The SMS-C will pack it into 7 bits per character before it is sent to the mobile. This means that the short_message field of the SMS may be up to 160 bytes long in the SMPP frame whereas it is limited to 140 bytes when sent on the mobile network (the most significant bit is simply discarded).

In case of encoding problems, here are some important things to check:

  • First, make sure that you know what characters belong to which encoding. GSM7 is infamous for its partial support of diacritical marks (accents). Especially in French, where é and è are part of GSM7, but ê, â or ï are not. The situation is no better when it comes to Spanish.
  • The C with cedilla (ç) is present only in upper case in the GSM7 alphabet, but some phones render it in lower case or “smart” case: the general recommendation is to completely avoid it and remove the cedilla (it is still very readable in French) or switch to UCS-2.
  • Do not use ASCII in SMS, unless explicitly requested by the SMS-C partner: this encoding wastes space because it has 8-bit characters and less coverage than GSM7.
  • Latin-1 is not always supported: check the compatibility with your SMS-C partner before attempting to use Latin-1.
  • National language shift tables are not supported by the Adobe Campaign Classic connector. You must use UCS-2 instead.
  • UCS-2 and UTF-16 are often mixed by phones. This is a problem for people sending emoji and other rarely used characters not present in UCS-2.
  • The GSM7 encoding is not supported by Wireshark: special characters will be displayed incorrectly. If you need to check whether a GSM7 string is properly encoded, you must compare hexadecimal codes with the GSM7 table.

The  data_coding  field tells you which encoding is used. The only problem is that the value 0 means default SMS-C encoding in the specification, but in general it means GSM7. Check with the SMS-C  partner what encoding is associated to data_coding = 0 (Adobe Campaign only supports GSM7 for data_coding  = 0).

The maximum size of a message depends on its encoding. This table sums up all the relevant information:

Message size (characters)
Part size for multipart SMS
Available characters
GSM7 basic character set + extension (extended characters take 2 characters)
UCS-2 UTF-16
Unicode (varies from phone to phone)

User Data Header (UDH)
UDH (User Data Header) are small binary headers added to the text of an SMS. They can trigger special features like SMS concatenation, national language shift tables, logos/images (rarely used) or WAP push.

Since the UDH is part of the text field (short_message SMPP field), it shortens the effective size of an SMS. For example, a concatenated SMS UDH will consume 6 bytes per SMS part (that’s 6 real 8-bit bytes, not 7-bit characters), leaving enough room for only 152 7-bit characters per message part.

Wikipedia has nice articles about User Data Header and Concatenated SMS (in English).

To know whether a short_message contains a UDH, check the bits 6 and 7 of esm_class (see section 5.2.12 of the specification). Wireshark parses UDH in the interface and gives accurate information.

In the screenshot above, you can see the user data header in the message field (1), information contained in the UDH (2) and some extra information not belonging to the packet but computed by Wireshark (3): the Short Message body field is especially interesting as it contains the full message reassembled by Wireshark.
Receiving SR
When the receiver is bound, the SMS-C may send SR at any time. The SR is sent using a DELIVER_SM PDU with bits 2-5 of  esm_class set.

The  DELIVER_SM  PDU must be replied to quickly by a  DELIVER_SM_RESP  PDU with the same  sequence_number. To find the MT matching this SR, search for a  SUBMIT_SM_RESP  with the same ID. For example, this is the MT matching the SR:

SR are sent only if the  registered_delivery  field is set in the MT.

Note: Adobe Campaign Classic SMPP connector does not handle SR that arrive before the  SUBMIT_SM_RESP  packet. The specification does not explicitly forbid this behavior, but it is considered bad behavior (it would mean that the message has been received before it has been sent). If you encounter this case too often, ask your SMS-C partner to fix his platform.
Deciphering the short_message field of SR
The text field of the SR PDUs has a special encoding described in the Appendix B of the SMPP protocol specification. Unfortunately, this format is only a recommendation without being part of the protocol, even though most SMS-C respect more or less this very format.

You should directly ask the SMS-C partner for a documentation of its own implementation and double-check that it matches what you see in Wireshark. More often than not, SMS-C implementors don’t even know their implementation and this leads to problems and misunderstandings. Do not hesitate to ask the SMS-C partner for help if there are any doubts about this field (especially the error codes).

The basic format is as follows:

id:IIIIIIIIII sub:SSS dlvrd:DDD submit date:YYMMDDhhmm done date:YYMMDDhhmm stat:DDDDDDD err:EEE


These are general guidelines for reading the above line:

  • The id is the same that has been sent in the  SUBMIT_SM_RESP of the matching MT.
  • You can ignore problems in the text field: this field is ignored by Campaign because it is useless, unreliable, and may even be completely unreadable if the SMS was sent using another encoding than pure alphanumeric ASCII. This is normal behavior.
  • Field names are not case sensitive (for example, id: sub: Text: can also be noted as ID: SUB: text:).
  • The  dlvrd field is generally not reliable, unless documented by the SMS-C partner.
  • The dates may have any time zone, making them practically useless, or they are just plain wrong because the remote server’s clock is off.
  • The  stat field may have other values than the ones defined in Appendix B. Use common sense and the SMSC partner’s documentation to understand its meaning.
  • The  err field is completely dependent on the SMS-C, and most of the time documented by the SMS-C partner. Often, the code 000 means a success, while any other code indicates errors. The field is often numeric but can also be hexadecimal.

Multiple SR for the same MT
Some SMS-C send multiple SR for the same MT to track the MT’s progression in the network. This is mostly useless because most of the time the client only wants to know when the message was received (this is typically the last SR).

When in doubt, only work on the latest SR received from the SMS-C to find the state of a message.
SMPP window
Since operations and responses are asynchronous, you can optimize transfer rates by sending multiple operation PDUs before waiting for the responses. The number of messages that have no reply is called the window.

Example of a transmission with a maximum window of 4:

The current implementation does not control the window and expects the remote SMS-C to be fast enough to handle MT.
