Submitting an Analytics support ticket

This article explains how to effectively log an Adobe Analytics support ticket with customer care for the fastest possible resolution.

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Adobe Analytics


How to log a ticket with customer care for for your issue to be resolved efficiently?

You can submit a Customer Care support ticket directly in the UI. For steps, refer to In-product Support Ticket Submission in Analytics Tutorials.

In-product Support Ticket Submission

If you run into an issue and are a Customer Support Delegate, you can create a ticket with Customer Care. The following guide outlines each field and the most effective way to structure your issue to reach a timely resolution.

Resolution resolution


The subject explains what is happening in a single phrase. Effective examples:

  • Data feed file missing for April 23
  • Error displaying workspace visualization


  • Data feed (ID: 1234) typically arrives by 10:00 AM. It is now 5:00 PM and the file still has not arrived.
  • When creating a freeform table and connected visualization, the visualization does not update when selecting rows from the table.

Steps to recreate

A list of exact steps an Adobe representative can take to see the undesired behavior reported. Be sure to include user-specific details, such as project names and date ranges used. The following is a well-written example.

  1. Log in to Adobe Analytics using an example company and sample user.
  2. Navigate to Workspace and load Test Project.
  3. Select any line item in the freeform table.
  4. Notice that the visualization reflects the selection.
  5. Select another line item.
  6. Notice that the visualization does not update for the new selection.


Priority dictates how urgent the issue is for your organization. All tickets created via this portal are handled as a P3 by default. If you require more urgent attention to the issue, call Customer Care directly and reference the ticket after submitting it.

  • P1 issues are considered critical; typically reserved for data loss and major issues that prevent many organizations from accessing data.
  • P2 issues are major, where the impact is significant and requires additional attention.
  • P3 issues are how most tickets are treated. Issues may negatively impact an organization but are isolated in severity or mitigated via a workaround.
  • P4 issues would be considered trivial, such as a typo in the UI or a minor inconvenience in using the tool.