Fully qualify a support ticket for faster processing

Whenever there’s an issue with AEM, it’s necessary to provide the following information:

  • Link to the documentation describing the product feature matching your issue
  • Information about the browser version, if it is related to a browser-specific issue
  • JVM parameters currently applied
  • Data collected using the system information collector tool or manually (as described below)

Find more details in this article below.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


What kind of information is required to fully qualify a ticket so that support can quickly process and understand an AEM issue?

Resolution resolution

Information to provide in the ticket

Check and install the tool package for help on collecting information. You can find it here.

Collect system information (manual method for on-premises instances):

  1. Version of AEM and service pack applied, the following output helps: curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp?cmd=ls > package_list.xml (adapt it for your login/password and host/port)
  2. Apache Felix Configuration Status, under http://localhost:4502/system/console/config/configuration-status.zip (default installation)
  3. List of files and log files on the file system (as described in the article Analyze Persistence Problems)

Other possible information to collect:

  1. General Information

    • When instructions are provided to reproduce the issue, check that it works on an instance that is rebuilt based on the same instructions. If you cannot reproduce it somewhere else, it could be difficult for the support team to reproduce it, too. That could be a hint that the issue needs more content or description.
    • A package or some clear steps with screenshot or screen recording can be useful.
    • Exact timestamp of when the problem was observed or a clear time range is also a good practice to add in the description of the issue.
  2. Performance-related issues

    • If the issue is performance-related, provide thread dumps as described in the article Analyze Slow and Blocked Processes. Provide at least ten thread dumps with an interval of 10 seconds.
    • If you can use prof.jsp, use at least a stack depth of 64 with intervals of 200 ms. Collect this data for about five minutes.
  3. Memory-related issues If there is a memory-related issue (out of memory message appear in your logs for example), provide the information as described in the article Analyze Memory Problems. Do this step for all instances in the cluster, if applicable.

Send/attach the collected data

Send all in a single archive. If that is too large for the ticket, please ask your support representative for an alternative solution. Provide the information in the ticket at creation, or as soon as possible after creation with the additional information and description that can help analyze the problem.

To get better quality in qualifying your ticket, use the Apache Felix WebconsoleConfiguration panel. Add a Logger configuration for DEBUG messages for the different part of the code related to your issues.

For example:

  • com.day.cq.replication.impl for replication issues
  • org.apache.sling.event.impl for Eventing-related issues

Another useful information that can help resolve the issue faster is finding the package or category name for the logger by opening the bundle information in Apache Felix WebconsoleBundles panel.
