Process to remove license key | Scene7

Learn how to remove the Scene7 license key by manually removing the license key entries in the computer’s registry to get the new key to work.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager


How to remove a Windows Scene7 license key?

Resolution resolution

If there is a key stored on your computer, manually remove the license key entries in your computer’s registry to get the new key to work.

Note:  This process requires Administrator rights. It also requires the adjustment of the Windows Registry.

  1. Choose Start and then go to Run

  2. Type regedit and click OK

  3. Navigate to: /HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID

  4. Look for and delete

  5. For newer style keys (64-bit windows), there is a second location as well:

    1. Navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID\
    2. Look for and delete {F18C1202-9D2E-4BE4-AB18-99C7E870D28A}\Licenses
  6. Close regedit

  7. Rerun the new .reg file once more if trying to resolve a new license key issue
