Using and understanding variables

Learn how to leverage the power of variables in apache web server and in dispatcher module configuration files.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


This document will explain how you can leverage the power of variables in apache web server and in your dispatcher module configuration files.


Apache supports variables and versions 4.1.9 onwards of the dispatcher module. We can leverage these to perform the following:

  • Make sure anything that is environment specific isn’t inline in the configurations but extracted to make sure configuration files from dev work in prod with the same functional output.
  • Toggle features and change log levels of immutable files AMS provides and won’t let you change.
  • Alter which includes to use based on variables like RUNMODE and ENV_TYPE.
  • Match DocumentRoot’s and VirtualHost DNS names between apache configuraitons and module configurations.

Resolution resolution

  1. Using Baseline Variables
    Due to the fact that AMS baseline files are read-only and immutable there are features that can be toggled off and on as well as being configured by editing the variables they consume.

    Baseline Variables

    Here is a sample of the contents of the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/variables/ams_default.vars

    code language-none
    Define DISP_LOG_LEVEL info

    Example 1 - Force SSL

    The variables shown above AUTHOR_FORCE_SSL, or PUBLISH_FORCE_SSL can be set to 1 to engage rewrite rules that force end users when coming in on http request to be redirected to https.

    Here is the configuration file syntax that allows this toggle to work:

    code language-none
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        ReWriteEngine    on
        <If "${PUBLISH_FORCE_SSL} == 1">
          Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/rewrites/forcessl_rewrite.rules

    As you can see the rewrite rules include is what has the code to redirect the end users browser, but the variable being set to 1 is what allows the file to be used or not.

    Example 2 - Logging Level

    The variables DISP_LOG_LEVEL can be used to set what you want to have for the log level that’s actually used in the running configuration.

    Here is the syntax example that exists in the ams baseline configuration files:

    code language-none
    <IfModule disp_apache2.c>
      DispatcherLog    logs/dispatcher.log
      DispatcherLogLevel ${DISP_LOG_LEVEL}

    If you need to increase the dispatcher logging level just update the ams_default.vars variable DISP_LOG_LEVEL to the level you’d like.

    Example values can be an integer or the word:

    table 0-row-3 1-row-3 2-row-3 3-row-3 4-row-3 5-row-3
    Log Level Integer Value Word Value
    Trace 4 trace
    Debug 3 debug
    Info 2 info
    Warning 1 warn
    Error 0 error

    Example 3 - Whitelists

    The variables AUTHOR_WHITELIST_ENABLED and PUBLISH_WHITELIST_ENABLED can be set to 1 to engage rewrite rules that include rules to allow or disallow end user traffic based on IP address. Toggling this feature ON needs to be combined with creating a whitelist rules file as well for it to include.

    Here is a few syntax examples of how the variable enables the includes of the whitelist files and a whitelist file example:


    code language-none
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      <Directory />
        <If "${AUTHOR_WHITELIST_ENABLED} == 1">
            Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/whitelists/*_whitelist.rules


    code language-none
      Require ip

    As you can see the sample_whitelist.rules enforces the IP restriction but toggling the variable allows it to be included in the sample.vhost

  2. Where to place the Variables?
    Web Server Start Up Arguments

    AMS will put global variables in the startup arguments of the apache process inside the file /etc/sysconfig/httpd

    This file has variables pre-defined like shown here:

    code language-none

    These isn’t something you can change but is good to leverage in your configuration files.

    Note - Due to the fact that this file only gets included when the service starts up. A restart of the service is required to pick up changes. Meaning a reload isn’t enough but a restart instead is needed.

    Variables Files (.vars)

    Custom variables provided by your code should live in .vars files inside the directory /etc/httpd/conf.d/variables/

    These files can have any custom variables you’d like. Here are some syntax examples for the following sample files:

    When creating your own variables files name them according to their content and to follow the naming standards provided in the manual here. In the above example you can see that the variables file hosts the different DNS entries as variables to use in the configuration files.


    code language-none
        Define SAMPLE_ALT_DOMAIN


    code language-none
        Define SAMPLE_ALT_DOMAIN


    code language-none
        Define SAMPLE_ALT_DOMAIN
  3. Using Variables
    Now that you’ve defined your variables inside your variables files you’ll want to know how to use them properly inside your other configuration files.

    We’ll use the example .vars files from above to illustrate a proper use case.

    We want to include all the environment based variables globally we’ll create the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/000_load_env_vars.conf

    code language-none
    Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/variables/*_${ENV_TYPE}.vars
    Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/variables/*_${RUNMODE}.vars

    We know that when the httpd service starts up it pulls in the variables set by AMS in /etc/sysconfig/httpd and has the variable set of ENV_TYPE and RUNMODE

    When this global .conf file gets pulled in it will be pulled in early because the include order of files in conf.d is alpha numeric load order mean 000 in the filename will assure that it loads before the other files in the directory.

    The include statement is also using a variable in the filename. This can change which file it will actually loads based on what value is in the ENV_TYPE and RUNMODE variables.

    If the ENV_TYPE value is dev then the file that gets used is:


    If the ENV_TYPE value is stage then the file that gets used is:


    If the RUNMODE value is preview then the file that gets used is:


    When that file gets included it will allow us to use the variable names that were stored inside.

    In our /etc/httpd/conf.d/available_vhosts/sample-domain.vhost file we can swap out the normal syntax that only worked for dev:

    code language-none
    <VirtualHost *:80>

    With newer syntax that uses the power of variables to work for dev, stage, and prod:

    code language-none
    <VirtualHost *:80>
      ServerName    ${SAMPLE_DOMAIN}
      ServerAlias    ${SAMPLE_ALT_DOMAIN}

    In our /etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/vhosts/sample-domain_vhosts.any file we can swap out the normal syntax that only worked for dev:

    code language-none

    With newer syntax that uses the power of variables to work for dev, stage, and prod:

    code language-none

    These variables have a huge amount of re-use to individualize running settings without having to have different deployed files per environment. You essentially templatize your configuration files with the use of variables and include files based on variables.
