How to match mbox3rdPartyId with Customer Attribute (Customer Id) in Profile Script?

To match the mbox3rdPartyId (customer_id) with the Customer Attribute (Customer Id) from a Profile Script in Adobe Target and split traffic based on age criteria, this article will guide you through the resolution process.

Description description


Adobe Target


Is it possible to match mbox3rdPartyId(customer_id) with Customer Attribute (Customer Id) from Profile Script? The intention is to split the traffic between two different criteria based on age. Criteria A (20-40) Criteria B (41-60). Age is sent via Customer Attribute.

Resolution resolution

Customer attributes can be referenced in profile scripts using format crs.get('< Datasource Name> .< Attribute name> '). So, there is no need to match the mbox3rdPartyId (customer_id), rather use the direct attribute and build conditions based on the same.

Create profile script using CRS datasource and attribute. Please use that in the audience library to create the audience:

Group A Audience:

Visitor Profile > user.profilescriptname > Group A

Group B Audience:

Visitor Profile > user.profilescriptname > Group B

Now you can use these audiences in the activities to target.
