ProductAssetListener may cause SegmentNotFoundException and performance issues

This issue has been fixed with AEM 6.5.8. For AEM 6.4.6+, disabling the OSGi component com.adobe.cq.commerce.impl.asset.ProductAssetListener is a workaround.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


ProductAssetListener may cause SegmentNotFoundException and performance issues in AEM 6.5.6, AEM 6.5.7 and AEM 6.4.6+.

Typical error message of SegmentNotFoundException by this issue contains the stacktrace like below.

*ERROR* [ sling-oak-observation-4] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNotFoundExceptionListener
Segment not found: 6376814a-9273-4df8-aedd-ec5e6eb7ab52. SegmentId age=238801954ms,segment-generation=GCGeneration

org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.segment.SegmentNotFoundException: Segment 6376814a-9273-4df8-aedd-ec5e6eb7ab52 not found

at com.adobe.cq.commerce.impl.asset.ProductAssetListener.onEvent(

The performance issues can be slowness, no response, and replication queue delay/block. When the issue begins, following message appear in error.log.

*WARN* [ sling-oak-observation-4] com.adobe.cq.commerce.impl.asset.ProductAssetListener NODE_MOVED event
for /content/dam/< asset> /< metadata>  does not have required event info

Thread dumps during the issue contains a sling-oak-observation thread with ProductAssetListner is running aggressively.

“sling-oak-observation-4” prio=5 tid=0xd7 nid=0xffffffff runnable

                at com.adobe.cq.commerce.impl.asset.ProductAssetListener.onEvent(

Resolution resolution

This issue has been fixed with AEM 6.5.8.

Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Latest Service Pack Release Notes

Product asset reference update causes replication threads to be in the wait state until the ProductAssetListener thread completes its commits to the JCR (NPR-35269).

For AEM 6.4.6+, disabling the OSGi component com.adobe.cq.commerce.impl.asset.ProductAssetListener is a workaround. To do that, you can use OSGi Component Disabler in the ACS AEM Commons.

How to configure Component Disabler:

  1. In CRX/DE, create a sling:OSGiConfig node as /apps/<your project>/config/com.adobe.acs.commons.util.impl.ComponentDisabler

  2. Add a String[ ] property with name = “components”, value = [com.adobe.cq.commerce.impl.asset.ProductAssetListener]
