Export Shared Audience Window Keeps Loading

Learn how to fix the Adobe Campaign Standard issue where Shared Audience Window Keeps Loading Export and how to export an audience to Audience Manager (AAM). Clear the browser cache or try another browser.

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  • Campaign Standard


Export Shared Audience Window Keeps Loading

Export an audience to Audience Manager (AAM).

Documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/campaign-standard/using/integrating-with-adobe-cloud/working-with-campaign-and-audience-manager-or-people-core-service/sharing-audiences-with-audience-manager-or-people-core-service.html?lang=en#exporting-an-audience

Go to step 5, you will be prompted with the popup window, but that window page keeps loading with the loader spinning indefinitely.

Resolution resolution

Usually this issue is due to browser Cache and to fix it, please clear the browser cache or try in another browser.
