Deactivated user preventing a workflow to run

This article explains how to resolve the issue where a deactivated user at your company causes a workflow that generates reports to stop working.

Description description


  • Campaign Classic
  • Campaign


A workflow that generates reports does not generate it anymore because a user that has left your company has been disabled. Upon disabling the user from Campaign Classic in Access Management, the workflow still shows an error. Upon enabling the user, you can use the workflow.

Why did it stop once the user was disabled? Is there any way to remove the user and still continue using the workflow?

Resolution resolution

Whenever you face this error,

  1. Open the workflow.
  2. Click on Edit > Edit XML source
  3. Search for keyword login=”
  4. You will find an element in the XML as shown here
  5. In your case, login should have some value .
  6. Empty the login attribute to make it login=””
  7. Click Ok to close the pop-up window.
  8. Save the workflow.
  9. Restart the workflow. If the workflow is part of a Campaign (which will be the case in 99% of cases), ask the relevant user to restart this workflow using their ID, from inside the Campaign and not from Workflow folder.
  10. It should be fixed.
  11. Later you can go to Workflows View folder, and search mdata contains login=”< username> to search for other such workflows which might be impacted.
  12. Repeat the above steps for each one.