blacklistEmailLastModified is getting modified

Description description


Campaign Standard


Use case - When importing profiles from a file one of the key properties they read from the file is blacklistEmail. As shown below, if using a conditional update on the source field to avoid unnecessary updates on the destination field.

However, you may notice that the blackListEmailLastModified field gets modified for all existing profiles that are imported. The expected behavior is that the blackListEmailLastModified should only be modified when  blacklistEmail is modified.

Here’s the generated SQL update:

UPDATE NmsRecipient

   SET iGender=COALESCE( OutTbl.iFld1084817585, 0),

       iBlackListEmail=COALESCE( CASE OutTbl.iEnaFld1086062770 WHEN 1 THEN OutTbl.iFld1086062770 ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN OutTbl.iEnaFld1086062770=1 THEN 0 ELSE iBlackListEmail END),




  FROM wkf11373941_23_1 OutTbl

 WHERE NmsRecipient.iRecipientId=OutTbl.iPKey_1

   AND OutTbl.iRecProcState> $(l)

   AND OutTbl.iRecProcState< =$(l)

   AND OutTbl.iPKey_1< > 0

As shown by the update above, the blackListEmailLastModified (tsBlackListEmailLastModified) field is updated no matter if blacklistEmail (iBlackListEmail) is updated or not.

Resolution resolution

The solution is to add the blackListEmailLastModified field to the conditional update.

Please see below:

And the generated SQL update shows that the blackListEmailLastModified will only be modified when blacklistEmail is modified.

UPDATE NmsRecipient
   SET iGender=COALESCE( OutTbl.iFld1084817585, 0),
       iBlackListEmail=COALESCE( CASE OutTbl.iEnaFld1086062770 WHEN 1 THEN OutTbl.iFld1086062770 ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN OutTbl.iEnaFld1086062770=1 THEN 0 ELSE iBlackListEmail END),
       tsBlackListEmailLastModified=COALESCE( CASE OutTbl.iEnaFld1169490137 WHEN 1 THEN OutTbl.tsFld1169490137 ELSE NULL END, CASE WHEN OutTbl.iEnaFld1169490137=1 THEN NULL ELSE tsBlackListEmailLastModified END),
  FROM wkf11373941_25_1 OutTbl
 WHERE NmsRecipient.iRecipientId=OutTbl.iPKey_1
   AND OutTbl.iRecProcState>$(l)
   AND OutTbl.iRecProcState<=$(l)
   AND OutTbl.iPKey_1<>0