Formula is incorrect when calculated metrics is created from Workspace

The formula of calculated metrics created in Adobe Analytics Workspace may be incorrect sometimes. This article discusses how the formula depends on the order of metrics in the freeform table, and not on the order of selection.

Description description


  • Analytics
  • Customer Journey Analytics


Calculated metrics can be created by selecting metrics from the Workspace freeform table. Select the set of metrics, then right click and select Create Metrics.

Sometimes, the formula of the calculated metrics created is incorrect. For example, if Page Views and Visits  are selected (in that order), the formula shows as Visits/Page Views.

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The formula of the calculated metric depends on the order of how a metric is placed on the freeform table and not in the order they are selected. For example, if order of the metrics in the freeform table is Orders and then Page Views, formula will be Orders / Page Views /, and if the metrics is placed as Page Views and then Orders, the formula will be Page Views / Orders.
