How to verify binary-less replication is working | AEM

In this document you will explore the steps to verifying whether binary-less replication is working or not in Adobe Experience Manager.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager 6.5


How to verify whether binary-less replication is working?

Resolution resolution

One of the up-sides to using a shared data (BLOB) store (file or S3) is that replication can then be set to binary-less, meaning the BLOB itself does not have to be transported across the network. Here are steps to verifying that it actually works:

  1. Create a new Apache Sling Logging Logger configuration on the target publish instance ( for at the DEBUG level) - click on image for a larger version.


  2. Activate an asset

  3. Watch for the following type of entry in /logs/replication.log

    *DEBUG* [ [ 1465577645518] POST /bin/receive HTTP/1.1] property jcr:data of Node[ NodeDelegate{tree=/content/dam/adobetest2/iPhone_6s_Plus-4K-video.MOV/jcr:content/renditions/original/jcr { jcr:primaryType = nt:resource, jcr:uuid = ae912ae7-c808-4798-b723-31af557b1ab3, jcr:lastModifiedBy = admin, jcr:data = {840751500 bytes}, jcr:lastModified = 2016-06-10T12:54:06.667-04:00}}]set using a reference.

The key is the string set using a reference- it confirms that binary-less replication has been used.
