Non-Apple Single Sign-On TV Provider Authentication Flow
Explore the steps required to be followed when handling the authentication flow, when a non-Apple Single Sign-On (SSO) supported Pay-TV provider is selected from the MVPD Picker.
Description :headding-anchor:description
Adobe Pass
How to handle the authentication flow when a non-Apple Single Sign-On (SSO) supported Pay-TV provider (Multichannel Video Programming Distributor - MVPD) is selected from the MVPD Picker?
Resolution :headding-anchor:resolution
After the user selects an unsupported TV Provider, programmer’s app receives the following callbacks:
dismissTvProviderDialog - At this point, programmer should hide Apple’s viewController (it contains the picker).
sendTrackingData - This is just an MVPD selection event.
status - This contains a dictionary that looks like:
table 0-row-1 2018-02-23 13:29:14.228410+0200 APIExplorer-tvos[ 252:11681] {
errorId = REGCODE;
expires = 1519387154016;
level = success;
message = 6ANC6PH; //SAMPLE_7_DIGIT_CODE}
At this point, the programmer should present the user with the message contained in this dictionary. In this case, it can be similar to: Please go to
/activate and enter the following code: 6ANC6PH. -
During this time, the Software Development Kit (SDK) polls Adobe servers for the status of the above-mentioned registration code. Once the user uses that registration code to authenticate, the SDK gets a 200 status code from Adobe servers and the next callback is fired.
setAuthenticationStatus - If the status is 1, the authentication was successful.
sendTrackingData - This is just an authentication detection event.
Additional information
More on: iOS/tvOS SDK Cookbook.