Form-based Experience Composer - clicked an mbox, is not capturing visitors in reports

Learn how to to capture visitors in reports in Form-based Experience Composer using the global mbox by clicked on mbox method.

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Forms experience has been setup on the homepage using the global mbox ((marketing box)). Click tracking has also been enabled, but the metrics aggregate in reporting is not visible. A backup metric that counts the pageviews of pages where the links go has also been set. It is quiet assertive that the users are viewing these pages, but the clicks aren’t registering as expected. Check below or more details.

Tracking clicks using the following script (there are five buttons across five image carousel slides).

// Adobe Target Tracking    document.querySelectorAll('li.glide__slide a').forEach(link => {        link.addEventListener('click', event => {  {                    "mbox": "July2020_CarouselTest",                    "params": {                    "ctaClick": link.getAttribute('href')                }            });        })    });

The  mbox request is visible, when used with Adobe Experience Platform Debugger and one of the elements is clicked.

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 8.25.44 AM.png

In the Target activity,  Conversion Metric is created targeting the mbox mentioned above. A refining audience requiring a value should be present in the CTA Click parameter.

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 8.28.36 AM.png Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 8.28.49 AM.png

As a safeguard, and additional metric without the refining audience is added. Metrics aren’t aggregating in activity reporting for this metric either.

Screen Shot 2020-08-17 at 8.28.59 AM.png

Finally, as a third backup, the pageviews where the button clicks lead to as a metric is added. Activity reporting  is showing pageviews to these pages.

Why isn’t activity reporting showing any conversions on the TrackEvent associated clicks?

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To use the Clicked on mbox method, wrap an mbox around the CTA and let the user actually click on it. Also try the  Viewed an mbox as one would be firing the mbox after they click on it.

