How to force recompilation of Sling scripts JSP, Java, and Sightly in AEM 6.5

Learn how to force recompilation of Sling scripts JSP, Java, and Sightly in AEM 6.5.

Description description


Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) 6.5


This article will show how to force recompilation of all Sling scripts like JSP, Java, and Sightly in AEM 6.5.

Resolution resolution

Sometimes the JSP, HTL clientLibs, or classes will not get recompiled automatically in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).  Strange UI issues can occur, and compilation errors may be seen in the logs. Now, we do not have libraries under the /var/clientlibs folder anymore. They are in the file system.

1. To remove compiled libraries via AEM Web Console:

For Client Libraries:

  • Open \[1\] and click  Invalidate Caches. If you want to rebuild the libraries, click  Rebuild Libraries.

For classes, JSPs and Sightly cache:

  • Open \[2\]and click Clear ClassLoader on the top right side.

2. To remove compiled libraries via the file system

For ClientLibraries

  • Search in the server where the AEM instance is deployed. From home folder run command: find launchpad/felix -path "*/bundle*/data/outputcache" -type d.
  • Delete outputcache  folder.

*        Note:*Clientlibs is now stored in the  Adobe Granite UI Clientlibs.  You can also check the bundle number in the  AEM Web Console and access that folder directly on the file system under crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix by going under same bundle.

For classes, JSPs and Sightly cache:

  • Search the server where the AEM instance is deployed. From home folder run command: find launchpad/felix -path "*/bundle*/data/classes" -type d
  • Delete the classes  folder.

*        Note:* Classes and Sightly cache are stored in the  Apache Sling Commons FileSystem ClassLoader bundle.  You can also check the bundle number in the  AEM Web Console and access that folder directly on the file system under crx-quickstart/launchpad/felix.

[ 1]  http://[ host] :[ port] /libs/granite/ui/content/dumplibs.rebuild.html

[ 2]  http://[ host] :[ port] /system/console/fsclassloader


Get file

Shell script to automate the recompile process on AEM 6.4. Example arguments: ./ crx-quickstart/ http://localhost:4502 admin:admin
