Analytics - Details on GMT time zones

Explore the distinctions between two GMT time zone options in Analytics: ‘Greenwich Mean Time’ and ‘Greenwich, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon’.

Description description




Analytics has two GMT time zone options.

  • Greenwich Mean Time; Monrovia, Casablanca [ GMT]
  • Greenwich, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon

What is the difference between these two time zones?

Resolution resolution

Greenwich Mean Time; Monrovia, Casablanca [ GMT]   - This time zone setting will correspond to the GMT time zone (UTC time) throughout the year. Irrespective of the time of year, it will reflect the UTC time zone with no adjustments for Daylight Savings Time

Greenwich, Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Lisbon -  This time zone setting will correspond to GMT+1 (BST time zone) during summer and will fall back to the GMT time otherwise.
