Profile’s State and Address links are not working as expected

The difference of display between both (display of the list of states or not) is because of a small difference in the internal schemas generated for profile and address.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign (AC)
  • Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS)

Issue s

  1. When selecting State using custom table Address, we are getting the drop-down list, whereas upon selecting Out-of-the-box (OOTB)  table Profile, drop-down list is not at all visible.
  2. When selecting State using custom table Address, in the drop-down list, we are not able to do direct search. Instead, we have to navigate and re-load data after every few entries, which is very inconvenient, because there is a huge amount of data available.
  3. The Country  selection as a profile field is providing the option to auto complete where you type United  and get to see the United States coming as an option. But the same link on Address  table is not providing the auto complete option. No other field in Profile or custom table are auto-complete enabled even though you see the option of dropdown/selection from an existing set of values.

Resolution resolution

The engineering team has shared the analysis. Please find the analysis as below:

The behavior is quite logical.

Address Table: The link to State is defined by a custom join involving two fields of the custom Address. Hence, you cannot simply select a target state.
The target state will be defined by the values of the two fields used in the join. That’s why you cannot confirm.

Profile Table: More or less the same, in the OOTB schema, the link to state is defined by a join of the same kind. You cannot simply pick up a target value, it must be defined by filling the two fields used in the join.

The difference of display between both (display of the list of states or not) is because of a small difference in the internal schemas generated for profile and address.
