Variable not showing up in the Classification FTP Import UI

Description description


  • Customer Journey Analytics
  • Analytics

Issue/ Symptoms

A variable (evar or prop)  is not available to select when you are trying to create a new FTP account in the Classification Importer. Why?

Resolution resolution


In the FTP Import UI, unlike the Browser Import UI, the variables available to select aren’t based on a particular report suite. The Browser Import UI allows to first select a report suite and all the variables are shown according to the selected report suite. That’s not the case with the FTP Import UI.

Having said that, if a variable is named differently (with a friendly name) in multiple report suites, the variable will be seen only with one of the names in the FTP Import UI. For example, if evar1 is named as ABC in RSA and XYZ in RSB, it will be seen either as ABC or XYZ in the FTP Import UI. So, it would give an impression that the variable is missing when trying to find (like if ABC is shown, it would imply that XYZ is missing).

Though, any of the variable names can be selected and it will automatically link with the corresponding classification variable for the report suite at the backend.
