How to fetch long running workflow in ACS using workflowTask table

Monitoring the duration of long-running workflow activities can help improve performance and maintain a healthy database. This article explains how to fetch long-running workflows in Adobe Campaign Standard using the workflowTask table.

Description description


Campaign Standard


When you set alerts for failed workflows, you may miss out on workflows that have been running for a very long time due to stuck-up activities or activities processing for days on an ACS instance. This results in degraded performance and high database consumption.

Resolution resolution

Workflow task details can be fetched from the xtk:workflowTask table. The Workflow Task table contains information related to workflow activities and their run duration.

How to ensure awareness of long-running workflow activities?

This can be achieved using a simple workflow. Follow the steps below to create a workflow to monitor the long-running workflow activities:

  1. Create a new workflow.

  2. Select a query activity.

  3. Select the Resource and Targeting dimension as: WorkflowTaskDetail (xtk:workflow task:workflowTaskDetail)

  4. Now, in the Target section, use the below queries:

    • Duration is more significant than 3600.
    • Activity name does not start with a schedule.
    • Activity name does not begin with signal.

The above workflow creation would help you fetch those activities running for more than 1 hour.

Setting an alert to this query condition can help you monitor the running workflow activities for a long duration.

Note: In the duration condition, set the time duration in seconds and not in minutes or hours.
