Campaign Classic: Message Center Service Level and Processing Time reports are blank

The Message Center Service Level and Message Center Processing Time reports show no data after the upgrade. Restart the workflow updateEventsStatus to resolve the issue.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic


Post upgrade the message center reports below are displaying with no data:

  1. Message Center Service Level
  2. Message Center Processing Time

Resolution resolution

Restart the workflow updateEventsStatus to resume the workflow activity at the back end.

The following should be seen in the audit logs:

16/06/2020 14:30:06 end AuditTrail: Option 'MC_LastRtEventStat' with id '6199' modified by 'admin'.
16/06/2020 14:30:06 end AuditTrail: Option 'MC_LastRtEventStat' with id '6199' modified by 'admin'.
16/06/2020 14:30:06 writer6 [ 0/0]  record(s) processed (step 'Update queue size')
16/06/2020 14:30:06 writer6 : Insertion of 0 record(s) 'Update queue size' step)

This workflow is responsible for fetching data in the reports.

Once restarted, the reports should display correct data as expected.


This error usually happens when the OOB workflow updateEventsStatus is not running.
