ACS: RST-360011 error when trying to open a shared resource
This article addresses a similar error when trying to open a shared resource (visitor ID): RST-360011. The solution is to add the Audience Library product to the user’s profile under the Products section.
Description description
Adobe Campaign Standard
After integrating Campaign with Audience Manager, initially you experience a similar error when trying to open a shared resource (visitor ID):
RST-360011 An error has occurred - please contact your administrator.
Please make sure you have permission to Adobe Audience Library. Error while calling the network: status: 404 URL:
XTK-170006 Unable to parse expression ' GetDataSources()'.
XTK-170006 Unable to parse expression ' GetDataSources()'
Resolution resolution
The solution is to add the Audience Library product to the user’s profile under the Products section.
It is recommended to set the user as a product administrator of the Audience Library product.