No tracking links created during delivery analysis

This article addresses an error in Adobe Campaign Standard during delivery analysis where the content model fragment is badly configured, resulting in no tracking links being created.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign (AC)
  • Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS)


During delivery analysis, you receive an error similar to:

URL-140038 A content model fragment is badly configured.

After that, no tracking links are created, the analysis completes, and the delivery is sent out without any tracking link.

Resolution resolution

In your email HTML search for nl-dce-content-model, the fragment which has this in it, is the one that you need.

For example:

<div class="is-locked nl-dce-content-model acr-fragment"  data-fragment-id="<b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b></b><b>*" data-fragment-ref="" data-fragment-name="CPL header (CMDL19)" data-nl-name="</b>*">

Here the fragment is  data-fragment-name="CPL header (CMDL19)".

Search for the same in the Content Fragments and follow these steps:

  1. Go to the fragment creation and update the fragment, then roughly save it again.
  2. Then come back to your delivery, open it, and wait a few seconds to let the system detect that the fragment has been updated.
  3. Check that nl-dce-content-model has been correctly removed.
  4. Then Save.