Company Migration FAQ: Things to Consider before Migration
This document lists and explains the changes that need to be considered while planning the migration.
Description description
Adobe Analytics
What is the process of migration of report suites to a different login company?
What other considerations need to be taken when migrating to a new company?
Resolution resolution
Note that the information provided in this document is specific to Adobe Analytics (except for the part related to user migration). This document does not cover impact/process for other Experience Cloud solutions.
The process of company migration is partly supported by customer care. While some of the steps are covered by customer care, others need to be completed by Adobe provisioning team. It is recommended to work with your Adobe Account Team to help you with the steps and the provisioning required. This document lists and explains the changes that need to be considered while planning the migration.
Report Suites
There is no physical migration of report suites from one company to another. It is just linking the report suites to the new company and removing the linkage from the old company. As a result, report suites will start showing in the new company and will be hidden from the old one.
Report Suites are migrated in two steps:
- Customer care copies report suites (links) to the new company. Customer/CSM would need to open a support ticket specifying the source and target login companies and the list of report suites need to be migrated. Note that migration cannot happen between companies existing in different data centres.
- The provisioning team maps the billing IDs of the report suites to the new company. CSM need to raise the request to provisioning team, sharing the details of report suites and billing IDs.
Report Suite Mapping
Report Suites need to be mapped to the new Experience Cloud Org. You would need to contact support to map the report suites to the new Experience Cloud Org.
Reporting Data
Since data resides in report suites, data is also migrated with the report suites. No data loss is expected in the process.
Login company assets are different than report suites, and they belong only to the login company where they were created. Currently, there is no automated way to migrate assets from one company to another, except recreating them manually. Below is the list of assets to consider:
- Dashboards
- Segments
- Calculated Metrics
- Date Ranges
- Scheduled Reports/Projects
- Data Feeds
- API configurations
Product Profiles/User Groups
Users cannot be transferred from one company to another. They need to be re-created in the new company.
Users cannot be transferred from one company to another. They need to be re-created in the new company. The recommended way is to export the users from the old company in CSV from Admin Console and import them (after making necessary changes in the CSV) via the Admin Console of the new company.
Follow these steps:
- Request and follow the process of report suite migration.
- Once report suites are migrated, create product profiles in Experience Cloud Admin Console. See the Create and manage product profiles section in Manage products and profiles.
- Export users in CSV from old company (using Admin Console).
- Make changes in the CSV as necessary. See Export user data section in Adobe Admin Console users. You can also assign product profiles by specifying product profiles names (you already created in Step 2) in the column Product Configurations. See the details in Manage users | Bulk CSV upload.
- Import users in the new company. See Manage users | Bulk CSV upload for detailed steps.
There is no impact of migrating report suites, assets, and users on data collection. However, due to contractual agreement, the new company should use a separate DTM/Launch property to host tags as well as a new tracking server (which is unique for each company).
- Tracking Server: Changing the tracking server URL in the implementation will not result in any loss of data. However, existing campaigns and marketing channels will expire, and therefore attributions will not be credited to them. If required, the tracking server needs to be updated in Analytics and Visitor ID implementations.
- Launch: Launch properties cannot be migrated. Properties need to be recreated along with the rules. This also requires QA of the rules to ensure nothing breaks when the libraries are moved to production.
- HTML: Link to DTM/Launch libraries need to be updated.
- Integrations: Any integration mapped with Analytics (such as A4T, and Audience Analytics) will be affected. These integrations would need to be recreated in the new company.
- ECID: The visitor ID service would need the updated org ID which will reset the user’s visitor cookies.