Quotation mark « » replaced by " " in email content in Campaign Classic

This article addresses an Adobe Campaign Classic issue where European language quote marks (« ») are replaced by English quote marks (" ") when sending emails, including in previews.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic
  • Adobe Campaign


When an email is sent that contains the quotation marks « » used in many European languages (French, German, Danish, etc.), the recipient sees English quotation marks " " instead.

The preview of the email’s delivery displays the same behavior.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to AC interface, and create a new delivery.
  2. Put the « » characters in the content of the delivery.
  3. Click on preview of the delivery to see that the « » are replaced with " ".
  4. Send the email.
  5. Observe that « » are replaced by " " in the email content.

Resolution resolution

Replace the « » quotation marks with escape codes «  and » to have the quotation marks (« ») render correctly in both delivered emails and their previews of delivery.
