Neolane process down Message Center, how to re-create MCSync workflow

The workflows that were used to sync data from the Message Center Execution Instance to the Control Instance in older builds have deprecated. This article explains how to create new workflows to sync data in the newer builds.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic


Some of the neolane processes are down, such as:

  • Quarantine import (quarantineSynch)
  • Event import (eventSynch)
  • Cost calculation (budgetMgt)

Resolution resolution

The six workflows that were used to sync data from the Message Center Execution Instance to Control Instance in older builds have been deprecated in newer builds.

These workflows are:

  1. Synchronization start (synchLaunch)
  2. Event import (eventSynch)
  3. Import of delivery message qualifications (broadLogMsgSynch)
  4. Import of event delivery logs (broadLogSynch)
  5. Import of tracked URLs (trackingUrlSynch)
  6. Import of event tracking logs (trackingLogSynch)
  7. Quarantine import (quarantineSynch)

In the newer build, new archive workflows need to be created for syncing the data.

Follow these steps to do this:

  1. Go to your Execution Instance External Account and click the Create the archiving workflow button.

    It will create a new workflow of the form “MCSync_<external account internal name>”.

  2. Stop the old deprecated workflows, and start using the new workflow.
