Campaign Classic: Recurring Campaign - Start hour

Learn how to solve the Recurring campaign issue where the start time is always set to 00:00:00.

Description description


Adobe Campaign Classic


You use the Recurring campaign (opRecurrent) template for automatic campaigns. Most of the campaigns are planned daily, with an automatic start. When the scheduling is configured, the start time is always set to 00:00:00. The problem you encounter each day is that the workflows are launched at different hours.
For example, on one specific campaign, we have:

  • 06/09/2019: workflow starts at 03:46am
  • 05/09/2019: workflow starts at 03:25am
  • 04/09/2019: workflow starts at 02:42am
  • 03/09/2019: workflow starts at 02:57am
  • 02/09/2019: workflow starts at 02:31am
  • 01/09/2019: workflow starts at 02:31am

For information, the technical workflow Campaign jobs (operationMgt) runs properly.

Resolution resolution

Workflows created in Recurring Campaign only retain the date when they are scheduled to run. Unlike normal workflows, they do not store execution time. To avoid this confusion, the scheduling wizard in recurring campaigns was removed in the Campaign Classic releaseĀ 20.2.1 (build 9178) and onwards.
The cause of this issue is that the workflows created in Recurring Campaign, as per schedule, do not store the execution time; they only retain the date when they are scheduled to run.

For example:

<operationPlanning start="2019-12-21" toStart="1" toValidate="0" uuid="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"> <operation _operation="none" internalName="OP14"/> <workflowInstance _operation="none" internalName="WKF37"/> </operationPlanning>

In common workflows (not created through the recurring campaign) that have a scheduler added as a starting point there is an element <schedule> that looks something like this and has information on when a workflow will be triggered:

<schedule label="Scheduler" name="schedule" x="168" y="320"> <transitions> <transition name="transition" target="query"/> </transitions> <period>m_abDay='7' m_abDay[ 0] ='0' m_abDay[ 1] ='0' m_abDay[ 2] ='0' m_abDay[ 3] ='0' m_abDay[ 4] ='0' m_abDay[ 5] ='0' m_abDay[ 6] ='0' m_abMonth='12' m_abMonth[ 0] ='0' m_abMonth[ 10] ='0' m_abMonth[ 11] ='0' m_abMonth[ 1] ='0' m_abMonth[ 2] ='0' m_abMonth[ 3] ='0' m_abMonth[ 4] ='0' m_abMonth[ 5] ='0' m_abMonth[ 6] ='0' m_abMonth[ 7] ='0' m_abMonth[ 8] ='0' m_abMonth[ 9] ='0' m_iDayMode='1' m_iMaxIter='0' m_iMonthDay='0' m_iMonthMode='0' m_iPosDay='0' m_iSpanDay='0' m_iSpanWeek='0' m_iTimeMode='1' m_iValidMode='1' m_iWeekDay='0' m_iWeekMode='0' m_tmFixedDay='' m_tmFixedTime='12:40:00.000' m_tmIterDate='' m_tmIterTime='00:00:00.000' m_tmOrgDate='' m_tmSpanTime='0s' m_tmStartDate='' m_tmStartTime='00:00:00.000' m_tmStopDate='' m_tmStopTime='00:00:00.000' m_vtmTime='0'</period> </schedule>

So, in this case, the time of the workflow execution is not considered by the product.
