Campaign Standard: How to create multilingual email templates for Transactional emails?

Transactional deliveries in Adobe Campaign Standard work in a slightly different manner. This article describes how you can achieve this and create multilingual email templates.

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Adobe Campaign Standard


How to create multilingual email templates for Transactional emails in Adobe Campaign Standard?

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Follow these steps to create multilingual email templates for Transactional emails.

  1. Add an attribute  AC_language.  Next, when you send your event, this attribute will contain a language code.
  2. As for standard deliveries, in the transactional message, initialize transactional message with the action  Initialize content variant  in transactional message properties.
  3. When a transactional message is generated, define this transactional message as a multi-language template.
  4. To do that, like for marketing deliveries, click on  Initialize Content Variant  in the main properties of the transactional message.
  5. This action will  add  multi-language behavior to this transactional message.
  6. Next, update different content variants exactly like in a marketing delivery.