Audience import failure (Shared Audience Failure)

Learn how to fix the Adobe CC issue where Import audiences from the Adobe Marketing Cloud (Shared Audience Failure) are failing. Check the Content of this file to ensure that there aren’t any rows with more than one SPACE.

Description description


Campaign Classic


Out-of-box Technical workflow Import audiences from the Adobe Marketing Cloud  (Shared Audience Failure) are failing, due to the below mentioned error

fileImport    Too many columns (2 expected(s))

fileImport    Start loading file ‘/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/instancename/workflow/wf-importSharedAudience/fileTransfer/ftp_000_000_full_000000_00000.sync’ into the database (step ‘Load IDs and segments’)

Resolution resolution

To resolve this issue, check the contents of this file to ensure that there aren’t any rows with more than one SPACE. The importSharedAudience workflow expects a flat file with two columns only to extract the Operator ID and Segment ID.

If there is any data in the file which has more than one space, correct the data so that the file can be reprocessed.


Usually, this error occurs when there is any data issue with the the file which comes from the Audience Manager i.e.,  ftp_0000_0000_full_000000_0000000.sync

Check the  Data Loading activity on the importSharedAudience workflow. You will see that, it expects a flat file with two columns only to extract Operator ID and Segment ID.

The column delimiter is SPACE

As per the error message, the incoming file has more than 2 columns delimited by space.

fileImport    Too many columns (2 expected(s))

fileImport    Start loading file ‘/usr/local/neolane/nl6/var/instancename/workflow/wf-importSharedAudience/fileTransfer/ftp_0000_0000_full_000000_000000.sync’ into the database (step ‘Load IDs and segments’)
