Campaign Classic v7: Unable to send delivery to specific domains

Delivery to Hotmail and Outlook domains is failing. If you are on cloud, contact Adobe Support. If you are on-premises, follow the steps below to resolve the issue.

Description description


  • Adobe Campaign Classic
  • Adobe Campaign Classic v7


Unable to send the delivery to Hotmail and Outlook domains and working for others.


Status=‘Failed’, Reason=‘Unreachable’ and Text='501 5.5.4 Invalid domain name [ #ID#.eop-#DOMAIN#] '.

Resolution resolution

If you have a cloud or hybrid account, then contact Adobe Support to have the ‘.’ character removed from the end of the hostname in the PTR record for your sending IP. This ‘.’ character will always cause domains like Hotmail to reject all messages from the IP with this “invalid domain name” bounce.

The initial hostname in the PTR record was “”. (r[ IP last octet] .subdomain)

After removing that trailing ‘.’ the hostname is “”. which should help to resolve the issue.

If you are on-premises, you can perform this on your own if you are sending emails directly from your marketing instance hosted on-premises.
