ACC - iOS Push Notification Error

This article provides solution to the issue of iOS notification error in case of on-premise installation or cloud installation.

Description description


Campaign Classic


Unable to send iOS push notifications using either the binary connector or the HTTP2 connector. On the binary connector, the request’s status is  Pushed to the connector, although the user doesn’t receive the alert. When switched to the HTTP2 connector, you may still receive an error:  APNS server returned an error 'DeviceTokenNotForTopic.

The following error message may appear:  APNS Server: #HOSTNAME# an error 'DeviceTokenNotForTopic.


The error can occur if the certificate has expired. Sometimes, the error persists even after reinstalling the certificate, setting the Delivery Log Qualification to *Keep,*and restarting the services. This might happen because the certificate contains two certificates and two private keys.

Resolution resolution

To resolve the issue in the case of on-premise installation, first, try and reinstall the certificate. If that doesn’t resolve the issue, check if the certificate contains two certificates and two private keys. If yes, split them into separate certificates, which should resolve the issue.

In case of cloud installation, reach out to the support team with new certificates containing singular keys.

The following command can do extraction of certificates:

openssl pkcs12 -in <certificate package file>.p12 -out apns_cert.pem -clcerts -nokeys

Note  - SSL must be installed on the machine for this command to work.
