Activity based on Time Frame targeting not working
Description description
Adobe Target
Activity based on Time Frame targeting does not work correctly.
Steps to replicate:
Create an activity that runs only on Wednesday and Sunday.
Include the time frame as:
- Week and Day Parting
- Wednesday - All Day
- Sunday - All Day
Expected results:
The activity runs as expected. This activity runs at sharp 00:00 of every Wednesday and Sunday.
Actual results: Due to this setup, the activity runs only on Wednesday and Sunday.
The lag of around 15-20 minutes occurs when the activity runs.
Resolution resolution
The time which needs to be input in the Time Frame audience is GMT +5 time.
If you need the activity to be delivered from Friday 00:00 to Friday 23:59, then you can configure the time as Thursday 23:30 to Friday: 23:30.