Campaign Standard: How to resolve XTK-170006 Unable to evaluate the expression ‘GetDataSources ()’ issue?

Learn how to fix the error ( XTK-170006 ) when setting up the Adobe Audience Manager-Adobe Campaign Standard integration.

Description description


  • Campaign Standard
  • Audience Manager


It has been asked how to handle the error below when attempting to set up the AAM-ACS integration.

RST-360011 An error has occurred. Please contact the administrator.

Verify that as a user you have permission to access the Adobe Audience Library. Error during network call: status: 404 URL:

XTK-170006 Unable to evaluate the expression 'GetDataSources ()'.

XTK-170006 Unable to evaluate the expression 'GetDataSources ()'

Resolution resolution

To resolve the issue, follow the steps below:

1 - Launch the Adobe Campaign Standard Admin Console

2 -  Click on  the User Tab.

3 - Search for the User who is setting up the integration/Click on it to edit their rights/permission details.

4 - Click on “…” on the Product tab to edit products permission.

5 - Assign the User to Audience Library permission/role.
