Renditions/thumbnails not generated for video files with special character in name in AEM
When uploading video files in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), rename the file without using special characters to ensure proper generation of thumbnails and renditions. Follow the instructions provided in this article.
Description description
Adobe Experience Manager 6.x
When uploading video files, the thumbnails and renditions are not generated properly.
Reviewing the error log, one would see something similar below:
10.11.2016 21:16:16.870 *ERROR* [
JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/server0/2016-12-15_1/update_asset_509:/content/dam/myassets/Workplace&UpdateVideo_08202014.mp4/jcr:content/renditions/original] execute: error processing video [
: encoding Processing status returned failed with [
Error due to Invalid encode request. ]
Resolution resolution
The current workaround is to rename the file without using special characters.
The thumbnails and renditions are not generated properly because of the special characters (e.g. ‘&’) in the filename.