How to apply Localization on HTML5 Viewers | Scene7 Dynamic Media Classic

Every textual content in the viewer that can be localized is represented by a special HTML5 Viewer SDK identifier called SYMBOL. Any SYMBOL has a default associated text value for the English locale (“en”) supplied with the out-of-the-box viewer. It also may have user-defined values set for as many locales as needed. User-defined localization data can be passed to the viewer as a localization JSON object. Such an object contains the list of supported locales, SYMBOL text values for each locale, and the default locale.

Description description

Adobe Scene7

Below are steps on how to apply localization on Adobe Scene7 HTML5 Viewers.

Resolution resolution

Every textual content in the viewer that can be localized is represented by a special HTML5 Viewer SDK identifier called SYMBOL.
Any SYMBOL has a default associated text value for the English locale (“en”) supplied with the out-of-the-box viewer. It also may have user-defined values set for as many locales as needed.

User-defined localization data can be passed to the viewer as a localization JSON object.
Such an object contains the list of supported locales, SYMBOL text values for each locale, and the default locale.

Here is an example of such a localization object:

<style type="text/css">

< script type=“text/javascript” language=“javascript” src=“> < /script>
    < div id=“s7flyout_div”> < /div>
    < script type=“text/javascript”>
    var s7flyout_div = new s7viewers.FlyoutViewer();
    s7flyout_div.setParam(“serverurl”, “”);
    s7flyout_div.setParam(“contentRoot”, “”);
    s7flyout_div.setLocalizedTexts({“en”:{“FlyoutZoomView.TIP_BUBBLE_OVER”:“Mouse over to zoom”},“fr”:{“FlyoutZoomView.TIP_BUBBLE_OVER”:“Passez la souris sur pour zoomer”},defaultLocale:“fr”})
    < /script>

Choose defaultLocale:"fr" will load French data on HTML5 Viewer (after the viewer loads).

Additional Information
Additional documentation about creating Localization Text (In different languages) on HTML5 Viewers: Localization of user interface elements in the Dynamic Media Viewers Reference Guide.
