Experience Makers Spotlight - Prepare for Growth & Continued Efficiencies

You implemented Workfront, successfully launched your first workflows, and now the word is out - Workfront works and everyone wants in!

“It’s a good problem to have,” as they say, but what does it mean to expand your instance? Join our Experience Makers Spotlight session to hear from three very different organizations about how they have approached growing and scaling their Workfront instances.

You’ll hear,

  • Why Cathy Glenn, Marketing Technologist, Project Management & Workfront Lead at Thermo Fisher Scientific, believes that proper staffing and resourcing (including leveraging Group Admins!) is a crucial first step to growth
  • What Trinite Bryant, Marketing Operations Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS), does to fuel growth by creating a sense of community and governance around Workfront to keep increasing usage and participation
  • How Tim Brooks, Manager of Technical Program and Project Management at Deloitte, has productized and templatized Workfront in order to streamline their expansion and find continued efficiency