Good morning. Good afternoon, everyone. Thanks for joining us for this webinar. Como Se Webinar on Beginner’s Guide to Boosting E-commerce Conversions. Many agree. And today I’ll be co-hosting this webinar with critical Customer success strategies on specialized on Adobe Commerce Platform. Critical. Hey everyone, this is critical. I am the customer success architect. What I do e-commerce and I’m thrilled to welcome you to this exciting session today where we will unveil some captivating insights. So stay tuned. Thank you. So today we would like to talk about something that is top of mind of most businesses operating in an e-commerce business. This objective, some of those objectives are about driving sales growth. It’s about acquiring new customers and nurturing existing customers. So we businesses want to make sure that their websites are optimized to convert those visitors, new visitors, new traffic that you’re driving to your site into a paid customers. And all of this while delivering a seamless and user experience for the online shopping experience, because these play a pivotal role in gaining and retaining your customers trust. Now, this doesn’t come without challenges. You need to constantly keep pace with ever evolving technology. We have seen in the last 12 months what air has done in the world. And this doesn’t come without without challenges. You need to satisfy multiple customer segments potentially into many countries and all of this one ensuring that you have a strong online presence through effective and effective search engine optimization in these complex and competitive markets. Now, just a few numbers here. 77% of cards are abandoned as an average. This is globally across all industries. But this is a a number that we all want to reduce. And 24% of retail purchases are expected to be online by 2026. And this represents about $8.1 trillion. So if you want to get a bigger slice of this cake, of this market share, well, you need to optimize your customer acquisition cost, but also optimize your conversion rate. Now, what is e-commerce conversion rates and what and why does it matter? Well, first of all, just some contextual factors in conversion rates. Setting a high end product isn’t going to have the same conversion rate as selling a tinfoil hat, for example, or always hundreds and thousands of loyal customers. We call that most likely better than some cold boat traffic of a social media network. So that’s a bit of a baseline that you need to keep in mind is that some contextual factors? Now why is conversion rates of importance to your business? Well, it directly impacts your revenue and profits. So understanding how it works and understanding how to make it better, how to improve it is going to help you help your bottom line. And essentially it reflects the efficiency of your website, getting a customer, doing a desired outcome. So in the case of an e-commerce site, for example, the bottom line is about buying your product. So it’s about converting a visitor into placing an order. And the formula for conversion rate is pretty simple. In this case, it’s about the number of orders divided by the number of visits divided by hundreds. And this gives you the percentage now of been asking a lot of time about what is the average conversion rate that I’m supposed to compare it with and what is a benchmark? Well, overall, globally, all markets, all industry together, it’s about one and 4%. But this is something that depends. It depends on a lot of factors. Before going on to the next log, I think would be great to get a bit of applause from you guys. About to know about if you know your current website’s conversion rates and how satisfied are you with it. So if you can just take a couple of seconds to go through this, pull on the screen to see a little bit how you how you feel, what you feel about your conversion rate, that would be great. So do you know your conversion rates and are you satisfied with it or do you know your conversion rate and you’re not satisfied with it or you’re actually not sure about your conversion rate? Right. Let’s give us a few seconds for everyone to provide their back and let’s have a look at what the audience feel like about the conversion rates today. All right. So about 60%, over 60% of, you know, your conversion rates, but you’re not satisfied with it. So this is not surprising. This is pretty much the whole industry is using this. So this area, but this is where we can see that even within this audience, we can see that resonate again. So what can impact it’s what can impact your conversion rates? Well, there are many factors that can impact your conversion rates here. We just put a few themes, themes that we wanted to to mention, but it’s about what kind of affects your conversion rates, about your use, your use expense design for example, making sure that using your user interface is clear, your navigation makes sense to your target audience, that your customers can actually find the products they are looking for, that they can find the information they’re looking for. It is today a requirement to be mobile optimized with different devices. Your customers are browsing your site and some of the factors are about marketing strategy. So it’s online, offline it’s SMS, email, social media, the retention, how you make sure that your customer comes back, build loyalty programs, make sure that your customer feel valued, make sure that they get reward for being loyal. That analyzes and KPI is tracking. If you trust your objectives, you should track your customer behavior. You have a better chance of understanding what causes it to what to do. Whereas a drop which is really important and how to fix those elements, whereas a drop, let’s try to optimize this and fix it. Your product offering as well. You need to have a pricing that is comparable and competitive with your online retailers. Look at your customer feedback and support team, listen to what they bring back and actions as those feedback get back to customers in a timely fashion is your trust and eventually loyalty and help your brand becoming a known and trusted. It’s getting responsibly here by scanning responsibly, it means that growing your e-commerce business requires careful planning and resource allocation, rapid growth. You constrain your business operation and eventually can impact the customer experience. And if it impacts the customer expense conversion rates will be impacted. So make sure that your customer is supported to platform and infrastructure as well as the complete search supply chain is able to handles increased demand without impacting your customer. And the last two points here, there’s two themes that I wanted to bring up is about customer segmentation and personalization. We have heard a lot of stories and we have seen a lot of case studies about personalization, about being able to provide the right context to you and customers at scale. This is something that is paramount now. Users, your consumers are expecting the same type of personalization than any streaming services. When you start and logging on to your streaming services, they know what you like. They provide some additional recommendation to find the content that you’re looking for. It is easy to find that content, and that’s what consumers are expecting today. So talking about personalization, how can I become a shift, the needle in that way? So first let’s talk about either e-commerce. It is a flexible and scalable platform that lets you create uniquely personalized B2B and B2C experiences, no matter the number of brands you have or how many countries you’re operating in and its architecture allows you for endless growth so you can adapt. So we all understand, I mentioned very briefly about personalization. We all understand the importance of personalizing the content at scale. To end, to provide an exceptional experience, it needs to be on a one on one basis because one size doesn’t fit all. So personalized merchandizing seems a bit out of reach due to key challenges. The first one is the inability to consider buyers context, and the second one is about the lack of automation by AI. So what this means is that the result is a result in terms of experience is that you’re providing the same search and browsing experience across every customer’s. Now, Adobe Commerce delivers merchandizing services by leveraging your customer behavioral data and by automatically personalizing the product discovery across browsing pages, product recommendations and search results. All of that powered by Adobe Sensei, AI now let’s go a little bit into those three key features that I mentioned. So browsing page, what is is this is what we also call intelligent merchandizing. This is the ability of curating as onto onto as a as a11 on a one on one basis curating your category pages and in which order your product are being displayed on a page. This is a way to provide the most relevant product at the top of the list. So one of these actually relevant to your current digital you can choose through today five different algorithm. And this is how we can tailor a category page based on the current user. This is something this is not something that is new in terms of the merchandizing, but this is something that today a lot of companies and about 60% of merchandizing team spend at least 40 hours a week to current this content. And that’s what’s interactive merchandizing can help you with product recommendations. Product recommendations is a way to provide the right products based on the user behavior. Again, and over 30% of e-commerce revenues come from product recommendations, but yet over 60% of firms don’t do product recommendation, not one on one level. So some of the top issues with product recommendation is to be able to incorporate the bias context. And this is what Adobe Commerce product recommendation can do incorporate bias, context and display different type of product recommendation on the page that you want. And it’s also very easy for marketers to use page, build up page, put those and those are feature, but they allow you to create content through an easy drag and drop user interface. This is where you can have different product recommendation, different messaging adapted to your user based on segmentation. So very targeted to the right audience on different part of your site doesn’t have to be the same across the board. And the last one that I wanted to bring up today is the search life, such as we call it. Nearly 40% of visitors use on site search and they convert twice as much as non-users, But over 60%, again, of top performing sites have below acceptable search performance. Now, the search to search feature allow your customer to start typing, starts searching, and some result comes back straight away. Search feature allows you to lose your consumer, your visit, or your customers to use their wording, their terminology. They don’t have to know exactly how you coach your product. This is something that you can manage and this is something that is helping them, finding what they’re looking for. And on top of this, the live search allows just live search results, provide some dynamic filters that allows your customer to narrow down even better the list of products that they’re looking for. Now, I’m sure some of you a lot of you probably thinking that this is the type of things that you’ve been doing, probably with third party system as well for a long time, But this is now available and has been available to other becomes 42 right now. And this is part of out of ecommerce, out of the box feature. You no longer have to pay additional license for it. You no longer have to maintain an integration point. This is something that you can from the get go leverage and use out of the box. Now, now that we discussed some of the out of the box feature available for you to enhance yourself, let’s move on to or demonstrate, Shawn, on how it works in practice critical if you can take it away. Hello everyone. Welcome to the session. In this. In today’s demo, we are going to discuss on our customer bodies journey and this is our online fitness tool, which is Luma, and we’ll be talking about a customer named Sara, who happens to be a fitness enthusiast and landed on the Mauritius store where she’s buying, sorting and searching for sorting fitness products. So her purchase journey started once she reached out to the AU homepage, which is basically a landing page, and she look out for this search popover. And here she typed some keywords like women fitness. Once she wrote this entire keyword over this search pop over, there’s CDs of fitness products that gets available. And one thing to notice here is like all the products that we see here on the screen, especially on the top, are somewhat where the keyword or the name of the product is exactly matching the keyword, which means fitness. And even some products like Fiona Fitness Short and even if it’s like partially Mashable, which is like eco fit compression, those products are also appearing. Let’s click on View all and see what range of products get appeal when we search specified log search page, we see that there’s a lot of products that are available and the pagination goes up to five. That means there is at least 60 products that is matching this keyword, which is woman fitness. Now let’s imagine a case that if we have at least 60, 65 plus products and have an inventory, what if we want to promote just ten products or 20 products that should appear at the top, whereas the rest of the product selection should appear at the bottom? So if you see the kind of products that are appearing, they are mixed products, right? Because the keyword that we have search is a very generic keyword, which is women fitness. And ideally fitness can include shots, it can include bottom wear, it could include top wear, it could include any kind of gear as well, like watches. So we see that there are a series of products. What if we want to promote some top ten products that should be of a top tier products and appear over the popular? Let’s see how we can achieve this using life. So I’ll take you back to the admin dashboard, which is commerce Admin. Let’s navigate to marketing and then life search. Here we are welcomed with a performance dashboard, which is the life search landing dashboard, but it discuss about all those features. But let’s focus first on the search merchandizing rules. So this is how this is where basically we can set up some merchandizing rules where according to the search, whatever search keywords a customer comes up and do on your site, you can influence the result by selecting certain set of products that should be appearing on the top, bottom, or even should not appear at all. So I’ve created this women fitness work rule. As you can see on my screen, I have set certain conditions like comes up and search for this query, which is women fitness over the top, over these list of products should be appearing. I have 13 you know four set of conditions that I can apply. You can see on the screen like it’s the conditions can be like search query contains is that means it exactly matches women fitness for now I have said this query starts with so any query that starts with woman fitness these search results will be the prominent one. And along with this, I have also set some intelligent ranking, which is basically the the feature that is powered by Adobe Sensei, where the products that appear here are influenced or targeted by the algorithm that you have selected. For now, I’ve sticked with most views. That means the recommended product that has most views on my store front by a different set of customer will be the one that will be showcased here over the pop over. There are other algorithms as well, like recommended for you based on the shopper’s behavior on the site, whether it’s the customer or even in the case of the visitor. Right. Of the visitor falls in the same segment that the customer has, but also the product. The visitor will also be showcased with a similar product experience. Then we have most purchased that means those products that are basically frequently both chased by the shopper and there are a lot of orders over those products, then added to the card. Then they are trending. These are basically all this data is being fresh from past seven days. So all the card activities by the shoppers or by the visitors that has like from the seven days have influenced any products or is more on a product will definitely fall in this result. So this these are some set of intelligent ranking algorithm that are available by the product life search and you can select whichever you want to choose and feel like that this is the one that are targeting my store requirement can be easily selected from here in case if you feel like this product should be ordered only by relevance, we can also select none. For now, all I’m going with most viewed. And then let’s go scroll down and we can see that there’s a manual ranking so you can see like I’ve been some product, I can pin it to the top, I can pin to the bottom, and there are products that are boosted. So if I have been to the top, they will appear on the top of the search. If it’s bottom, they will appear at the bottom of the search and then the product that are boosted will along will be showcased again on the top after the pinned products. And then there are certain products that have even budded like this gem shot. That means they will not at all appear in my search results if I want some products to be on the top, I can mark them pin. If I want them boosted, I can put them in the boost category and if I want, do not want to show them at all, then I can bring those products. Let’s go down and see what else what can be done here. And beside this, there are 13 state of eventing that I have already added like been marking a top, bottom or boost and then can be describing the details of the name. Plus additionally I can set the date range as well. So if I want this rule specific search merchandizing rule to be available only across a particular sales region or let’s say a Friday sales or maybe a Thanksgiving sales, then I can select that this route should be only active up till 10th or maybe 16th. Any date For now, I’m not setting any date and this is my rule that has already been set. Let’s go back and search for the Woman Fitness again on a separate instance. Read this was configured so now this time when I search for woman fitness, you will see that search result is very different from what was appearing over my previous instance where this was not configured. Here, the top tier products were desired. Fitness de No, not fitness tag and all all these range. But for a similar category, when I search the same keyword where it was configured when my search tool was configured, that the product search results is now completely different. The track jacket, the Olivia jacket. Leah Yoga top is something that I have already. Mom does bind and boost it. So all those products that are marked to be on the top, which unlike in the previous scenario. So in case if you want to promote out of the 50 products you want to promote, this top ten product should always appear over your pop over or over first on your search box or even when the customer click on View. All this should appear like on the top. You can easily achieve it you by setting up some merchandizing rule. Now a questions appear How do we influence this? I mean, how do we determine that this is the common keyword that is being searched? So for this will go back to the search tab for the performance. And this is the dashboard where we can find out that this keyword has been searched for the maximum times. So I can identify if let’s say, that woman workout or woman fitness is something that has been searched 50 times on my site. That means it’s an important keyword which is getting search and I should be changing or filtering the search result of the products there over that search way because it is getting the most views. So if say if the count is 50 and the 50 unique search has appeared on this woman fitness, then ideally I should be able to change the merchandizing rule every time. Like for the first ten days I’m going to promote the scent products. For the next ten days, I’m going to promote another 20 set of products. Beside this, it also show you like sometimes the customers misspell or make a typo. So it will also show you the search result, which doesn’t give you any products or where the product list or the search result was empty. Beside this, we have popular results as well where we can see which results are like most popular search. And then we can also set the synonyms. And I’ll quickly take you across this example as well. So let’s go back to this environment where this synonyms right now are not configured. So if I type here something like we’re once I type this running go keyword, you’ll see that just one matching product, although my store is completely and entirely based on fitness and there’s like categories is where I’m selling the fitness products like fitness equipment, watches and even bottoms band shots. But it’s just showcased me one product, which is ideally about subjects that are your way because if you have a relatable product and I do have to 50 plus, it should not just show me one product. Let’s go back to the scenario where this has been configured. So right now, if I type here running gear, you will see a CDS and set of products, including different a mix of products basically are appearing over the pop over their shots. That is scary equipment. There is watch, there is water bottle, there is bag anything that basically is a part and parcel of our running gear equipment is appearing. So any relatable product that matches this keyword is actually appearing on my pop over, which is basically a good searching technique. Why? Because ideally, if your store has relatable products, then instead of showing one, you should show a combination. Let’s see how we have achieved this and how you can achieve this on your store. Using life search. I’ll take you across synonyms and there are two way and one way mapping for now. If you see, I’ve mapped my running gear with watches, shorts and yoga, so it’s showing me the products based on all these three categories. Advance your search and make sure that the search results never go empty handed. And also customer whenever they are a mixed few keywords and try to search something, they will always end up showcasing some relatable set of products. Now let’s go back to our scenario and we will continue with the customer Sara Journey type Fitness and let’s see that she selected this legging my leggings. Let’s add this to the card. She browsed this product, liked it, and added it to the So why does she add this product to the card? Now let’s say that she browsed two different pages of the site. Let’s go back to the home page and here we see a personalized banner that has been designed just for us, specifically catered for her need. So why she has added a product she see that there is a banner that is now repeating which was not appearing before when she first landed on the homepage. Now, this banner showcased that because since she’s searching for the fitness equipment, she’s searching for a fitness gear and we are running the Luma store is basically running a flash new arrivals for the watch. So what they what they have done is they have showcased a promo here that these are our latest arrival and possibly Sarah will be interested in it because she’s shopping for the fitness gear and watches and noise or basically smartwatches that are part of it. So they have showcased this a banner here that, okay, this is a personalized bonus for you. And you can check our latest arrival and our hot deals that we are running. Basically any kind of promotional offers that we are running on the watch. Let’s go back to the admin and see how we have set this up. This part of promotional that we are seeing on the screen can be easily achieved by the out of the box feature, the way that we commerce, which is dynamic blocks, it’s an go to the dynamic blocks here we can see I’ve already set up a mock data. Let’s go and check this out. So once we are in this block, we have seen we have to enter some configurations and this block and the HTML block and the banner that we have added is achieved and can be added here using the beach builder. Beach Builder is again one of the most important part of it will be ecommerce functionality where you can edit, you can create a very high quality content using ad banners, maybe text or what not using the page builder. For now, I’ve added a banner which I have applauded from media sections where I’ve added this banner along with this content. You can also do a lot many other things here. Like let’s say that if I want to add something, let me show you. Let’s go with the product. Let me add a rule here. So let’s add say that if I want to add a block and additional block, so blocks are something, they are basically static blocks or basically adjustments that you want to reuse on different pages. So if you see my site, all these things that have the banners, you know, the different set of promotional banners that are appearing here are nothing but a set of blocks. The good thing about blocks is if you want to use this content on some adobe, you can easily use it using the page builder. Let’s go back and check how we generated. So if I want to select any other block, let’s see. In our case, if I want woman block, we added the positions where it can be added to. Basically I’m reusing an already existing block. So if I want the same block to be using the block bot, you can decide in some cases classes margin than padding the review. And look, you can easily, you know, set up from the page builder. Let’s see if this and see how the similar blocks will be appearing here. That can be done beside this. Now, this is one reusable thing which we can if I use of input, let’s that if I want to have product list of product recommendation here or there along with the banner, I want certain list of products also to be appearing. I can see I have two options like product grade or I can use the browser. I’m going with the carousel right now and category. Since I’m promoting the watch banner or watch promo here, I’ll be choosing this gear watches, category and position. I can decide how many number of products that I want to display. Default conditions or apply or not. And let’s save this and check how it looks like along with the promo Bushnell Banner. If I want to showcase a list of products as well, this can be used also easily achieved, just not this the recommendation each us. So let’s see if I want to add recommendations here, which is again driven by Adobe Sensei that can also be added. What I’m going to do is I’m going to select here. I’ve already created a product recommendations and I’ll be showcasing you how we can do this. Let’s select this at selected and again we can determine the positions against theses. So you will see a series of product recommendations is also appearing here. What Let’s do one thing here beside the banner. You can also add some additional media elements like videos, banner sliders, hero images, whatnot. So let’s go and quickly add a video. It can also out of the other click here setting. And since I’m promoting right now smartwatches, so what I can do is I can easily embed those media from YouTube. So I’m going to see this video and I like October. Yes, I want to keep this alignment as default and that’s it. And we can even promote video using this. Let’s do this, add. A couple for on it and don’t can’t forget it. I don’t think we’re going to I’m going to. Advocate the very smart way of promoting the new launched products or a newly added on your fresh ad I will can be easily promoted using the now let me take you back across the section whatever which is one of the important part of this engagement demo as well. So if you notice that along with each page below I added belong to my segment, What if I remove the part and the free speech? So the banner and the video is no longer getting this in easily. So basically buying or choosing one of us. I belong to a segment of customer who has bought or added some product in the past and that’s why the promotional or banner was personalized or her needs, at least when she interacted with the site and she forced into a after browsing 13 product, she falls into a fixed date of segment. And once she is into that segment, then only that was the banner disappearing. Let it go back to the brand or we can simply, you know, add into the woman fitness. Go to my leggings at this back. And once we have added this it’s go back to Luma and the product again banner is again appearing here. Let’s look back and how we have done this. If you see the dynamic block or the content that I’ve already created here, added everything is belonging was taken or has been mapped was all this gym. Therefore, let’s go and check how we can link those dynamics of the customer segments. I’ve already created X-Men that work for both customers as well as with the property. This applies to both the customers. It just the customer as well as the title. And the condition here is if she shop or shop on many of the activity within the women, which is present and and shot, this banner will be automatically automated and which is one of the reasons when she has added some product partner and the showcasing or basically personalizing her experience onto the site. Now let’s quickly go to the fresh arrivals and she click on the fresh arrivals. So why she and try to check out what’s going on and what kind of watches that has been launched. She most of the watches is banner here we show you that she shop and uses the coupon hitch and she will get that in level of discount. Basically what we are doing is we’re inviting the custom on store our fresh arrivals and using those should I was here we are giving them offers for that begin additionally add some new product and in this way we are also trying to get more interest. Whether they are like interested in this newly launched product for us. If you see here, you see that it is a product that has a bidding and the promo banner. So this is a one good way. If you are running at least 10 to 15 offers on your site on different categories and four different customer segments, it is a very good way. You should banner as required. Let is not interested in the watches banner. It should not ideally appear on all the pages of your site, rather should appear only on the activity watches and she has clicked on it, which is one of the reason we show it on the specific category. So you can invite the customer or give them the promo and relevant from all over the pages where they are to shop. And let’s see. Oh, another feature that has been recently attached to the search and navigate back marketing and life search. We just got the remote merchandizing. Let’s click here and from here I have already said and promote certain watches what we are on the top. So I’ve selected some intelligent ranking which is trending in this case. And ideally what I have done is let’s edit and check this out. I have boosted few products to be appearing on the top. Let’s go to the watch list and will see all these top, all products that are appearing on the top are listed in our case right now. All of these, out of all the 12 or the 11 products that I have, these all products will always appear on the top whenever a customer goes to the watch. This is another feature or just another way you can you know, boost your product over just the category. But instead of wonder how we can boost or, you know, prioritize our product on the search bar with the category merchandizing, you can boost certain level of products just on the specific categories. And this work for the beaten categories as well. If you have if you want to apply a rule on the women, all the products below this will follow the original ranking to see how this has been set up. The Intelligent Ranking System. There are different set of algorithms recommended for you most viewed, and you can select which algorithms not for your category products to be showcased here are selected trending which last for three days. Default. You can set it to different days as well. 14 days, 30 days, and it will showcase you the results from last three days or now and then. Or this is a similar set of manually ranking with in the product. I can vary your product as well. I can boost this product and this is how we adding it. This is how I’ve promoted that. These are my top selling or basically these are all products or watches that I want to promote on my site. Now let’s say you browse those products and move to the checkout and here we out we can see that we are giving additional and most of what we have done is we have another promotional offers for Sarah and what she needs to do, check out she’s eight that the order threshold is above $70 or equals $70 will get an additional 10% off on her entire purchase. She Looked at the shopping cart and found that the current order is 33. She browsed below and we can see we have given her more choices like either all the product, relevant product that you should buy. Beside this you will see we have added another personalized block for her that has been delivered here using the product recommendation. And you can see that along with this she has purchased more bottom. We are showing her product recommendations of not that needs and along with that we are also showcasing her by the other girls like bags and and the tops or the running jackets let see how we have achieved this here. Let’s go back to our its navigate to marketing and this functionality has been achieved using these product recommendations. The product recommendation will allow you to recommend a set of product across different pages of your current store. You might notice here I’ve created a lot of these, all of them, and all of my recommendations are being triggered on different pages. I first start with the CART recommendation, which is it allows you different set of algorithms and there are more choices compared to that of the search. If you see here, I have created a cart check out recommendation just for this page, which is add items to bag with the discount check how we have set this up. I have selected recommendation type is my engine is what is bought that this is my intelligent algorithm. Basically the ranking that I have selected at this point that which you might have noticed was not there in the search that this is like recommendations have a series of ranges that all intelligent algorithms running that help you identify the these are the products that you want to showcase across different ages. And the select current based selected is CART. These are some of the points that are not editable once you have already created a record storefront displays, what is the title items with the discount? This is the same title that you are seeing here that recommendation. Let’s go back to number of products. I can change this 11 and 12. I can increase or decrease it depending upon how many products that I want to showcase to them. Then I can decide whether I want to place the content at the bottom or at the top, selected at the bottom. That’s why the content is appearing at the bottom of the page. How select the order in which your recommendations you want to display and 13 products is basically one of important things that we can say to our list of product that you see appearing here based on these criteria, which is to showcase products from very specific category like bags, hoodies and sweatshirt, women and training videos. Based on the data gathered, this accommodations keep on changing this. You can see that I’ve added bags, hoodies and sweatshirts, training videos right now. Bags are also appearing. Sweatshirt is also appearing, hoodies also appearing. Right. So all these products are based out of the recommendations. And if the training video, you know, there will be more browsing towards the training video will also get added to this list. Beside this, I can select based on the price as well includes including the selected prices that this is the price range that the product should be appearing in and also to put it all out, then only this should be appearing. This can be achieved. Beside this we can do some product inclusions that well that these products should be included or excluded if I want, within all these categories, if I want to exclude this product over a hoodie, then I can go back here and write the name for research and you can exclude it. If I neighbor something, I want to exclude this, that this product, you get excluded. Similarly, you can showcase the product based on out of stock low stock as well. I was the product. I was the visibility. Is it individually available or visible? The visibility, all these are all basically the product attributes based on which we are driving the recommendations. And based on all these attributes, you can decide whether you want which product you want to include in this recommendation and which product you want to exclude. You can also have a small preview here of which products we are basically listing. This is how you can set the recommendation over the shopping cart. And similarly I have also recommendations in the home page. So to give her more personalized experience, we already know you have videos, but if you have certain products and below this you can also see a personalized product just for her need. And these recommendations can also be appearing appear in the slider form. You can add it on all the pages like I showcased you in the page for the next part here, or go back to the admin and check how this has been set. Let’s go back. This is my homepage, a recommendation that I set, right, all these products that we’re showcasing but with the home page. So similarly, every pages or for the most relevant pages of your site, you can create this recommendation and assign it. And it’s very easy to put these. It is because all the attending data is being received by Adobe like you can see for the product page. I’ve included some very specific category like piece women, Dunkleman short only those product review is appearing here and product matching from these categories are showcased across the home page. Got and now we have $33. You see that. Okay additional 10% off if the threshold reached 70 what she what she added is let’s say let’s add this cookie, which is worth $55 add to cart and let’s go and check out. Let’s see what happens. Yes. So now the banner, since she has reached the threshold of above $70, she has unlocked that coupon and unlocked the 10% offer. And you will see that the promotional banner that we are using has been now changed and we have extensions offer grab you can replace this with any sort of you know message as well using the dynamic logs. You can also put some flashing message to it or some additional banners and thank you banner thank you for shopping text message or any kind of video or text that you want and that you want Here to be appearing on the check out and also be easily achieved. We have right now showcased this message offer grab a using a dynamic log banner and if you affiliate, scroll down and see what kind of discount she has got. You will see Subtotal was $88 she has added to products and she has got a discount with file of $8 and now her order to do 79 and she can easily now proceed to the checkout. So we have a curated journey for her by offering her different kind of promo banners and, you know, by showcasing these out of a fresh ad. I will this is all what we are running on this site and using this. All the functionality that used to you by the recommendations are achieved just using the all TV capabilities of the e-commerce. That’s all for the demo. You very much critical for this demonstration. Apologies we’re getting some some of you have experienced some some issues we saw as a collection will make the demo available after the webinar so that you can watch it again without the connection issues potentially. But thank you very much. Great guy for going through this. Was great to see how Adobe Commerce, with the help of Adobe Sensei can drive conversions effectively and it’s also great to see how marketers can easily create a good quality content that resonates with visitors and able to change the content on any pages and provides the right level of customer experience, whether they’re searching for products or getting recommendations, adding items to counts and eventually finalizing the franchise is So now we talked about what conversion rate is and what can impact it and how other become us can help boosting a sales. But how to optimize it. So I’m just conscious of time here and I’m just going to try to speed through the remaining couple of slide that we have here, how to optimize it. This is what we call conversion rate optimization and this is an approach that needs to be systematic. This is a methodology that you need to embrace as a constant practice to go over and over. I’m not going to go through all the steps there, but this I’ll let you have a quick look at it again. You’ll be able to access if you do post-event or this is a practice where you need to analyze the data, You need to define the goal that you’re trying to achieve, whether it is subscribing to our newsletter or your customer, placing an order, define and hypothesis about what’s not working. Why is not converting go through a B testing, which is defining violations of your design, of your experience with the steps. Look at the feedback feedback provided by your support team back provided by your customer through so they may be better. So review your data. So analyze your data. And based on this, you need to go through the the phase of optimization review. All this feedback choose what performs the best, the best way, and then update your experience on on your site and rinse and repeat. Keep going this way. So now you’re going to to, to, to ask, most likely, but where do we start? Right. So you might already have some, some good idea about where to start and what need some improvement on your site. But keep in mind that best efforts bands are that are driven that are is your best friend. So start looking at your conversion funnel at a high level to understand where’s my drill drops happen. Is it straight off if is trending on your sites after searching, after browsing a product category halfway through the checkout, find out where it drops. And once you have identified this problem, make zooming to that step and start the optimization process that we just went through. Now, going further, you should consider addition of tools to review your data, to analyze your customer behavior and a lot of and to drive your A, B, testing to provide valuations and try to see which expense works better. Why is there plenty of tools on the market. Adobe Analytics and other B targets is a great combination that integrates really easily with Adobe Commerce and it’s a great combo to add to your conversion rate optimization practice. Remember, something important is that conversion rate optimization is not a destination, it’s a journey. This is something that needs to be constantly practiced. So some takeaways on this is our four things are the like that you should take away. Today is on the screen here. You need to understand what conversion rate is. That’s it’s vital to look into it and to understand how to measure it and understand how it impacts your bottom line. But there are many factors and challenges that impact it, and finding the right combination for each visual visitor is is a key to the success here. Adobe US Features has plenty of great features out of the box, leveraging artificial intelligence and this is a way to scale your personalization as a one on on one one basis. And again, this is a continuous optimization, so it’s not the wants of you to embrace the fact that it’s ongoing. It’s a fine tuning that is an ongoing or I’ll have a quick look at the questions, if there are any questions unanswered. But in the meantime, I’m just going leave this screen on for a couple of segments as well. There is a show there on on your screen. If you could go through the survey, not take more than the 30 seconds, it would be really appreciated. Those two events here. One event on the left hand side is about the repo, the repo live event, virtual civil use development team or business practitioner. That would be great if they want to attend. But also there is a monthly customer success newsletter to receive. The latest and greatest happens on a monthly basis. So GO scans, QR codes and and register. One of the questions that I can see here, and I think it’s probably a good reminder for all. So the question is about whether or not this is of those features of features that we demonstrated today and we talked about today, powered by Adobe Sensei AI available to everyone, the answer is yes. It’s everyone on Adobe Commerce Cloud has access to it and is the best news about it is it is part of your license. So if you’re not using them, leveraging those features talked to us and we will see how we can help you get onto it. I think we are time just a little bit past time. Again, if there was a webinar recording would be made available after and you will be able to review it if necessary. Thank you much to everyone. Thanks for attending and support yourself. Thank you.