API Tour - Get to know the new APIs we shipped in the last 6 months
API Tour - Get to know the new APIs we shipped in the last 6 months
This talk is about the ongoing transition to a Headless architecture for AEM. The new focus will be on allowing users to perform all the actions through simple but powerful API calls, while having the speed of the process in mind. The two APIs we will walk you through are the Content Fragment Models (CFM) and Content Fragments(CF) control plane APIs. Using those two APIs, users can easily create complex models as well as populate them in a fast and straightforward manner. You will be guided through creating a new Content Fragment Model and then populating Content Fragments based on it. Then, we will update the Model and create other Fragments based on the new structure. With the initial part out of the way, we will start looking at more complex use cases revolving around creating more Content Fragment Models in one request. → Continue the conversation at: https://adobe.ly/3oXY0gV