Maximizing Efficiency with Adobe Workfront: Lean Teams Webinar
November 21, 2024
- Intermediate
- Admin
- Developer
- Leader
- User
Insightful strategies and practical approaches for organizations aiming to streamline their operations and enhance productivity through lean methodologies. Hosted by industry experts, the webinar dives into the core principles of lean thinking and its application within Adobe Workfront.
Key Discussion Points
- Understanding Lean Principals
- Using Workfront to Support Lean Project Management
- Continuous Learning and Adaptation
All right. We can go ahead and get started. Great. Thanks, Danielle. So I through these links in the meeting chat a little bit earlier, but we do have two additional webinars coming up. If either of these pique your interest, feel free to register for those. There’s one on May 15th and one on May 16th, so we are going to go ahead and get started. AM First and foremost, thank you for your time and attendance today. Just a note that this session is being recorded and there’s a link to the recording that will be sent out to everyone who registered. It’s a live webinar, but it is in a listen only format. That’s why everyone is on mute right now. But we do want it to be interactive. So as we go through the content in today’s session, please feel free to share any questions that you have in the chat. We’re going to use the chat feature, not the Q&A pod. So just make sure you’re posting in there so we see it and either Danielle or myself will be monitoring that and try and answer as we go. We also have some time at the end reserved for question and answer, so we can use that time. And if there’s any questions that we don’t get to during the session and we’ll take note and follow up with you individually, at the end, we’ll share a survey. Just two quick questions. And we really appreciate your participation to help shape future sessions. So without further ado, my name is Amanda Byrne. I’m a customer success manager here. Adobe and I specialize in work front and I’ve been working on work for for a little over three years now. And Danielle, let you introduce yourself. Yeah, I’m Danielle Johnson. I’m also a customer success manager on the Ultimate Success Team, and I also specialize in work front. I’ve been working on the work front team for two and a half years now, so really excited to talk about Lean teams today. Yeah, so we are going to dive into Lean teams and maximizing efficiency with Adobe Work Front. The agenda today is kind of an overview of the Lean Teams methodology and then how you can utilize Work Front to apply that within your organization. So to get started, we’re going to talk about the challenges of working on a Lean team, something that probably many of us either are experiencing currently or have in the past. And the four main challenges that come with working on a Lean team are resource constraints, skill gaps and training. And then burnout. Of course, we’re all familiar with these things and then a lack of collaboration. Today we’re going to show you how to utilize the Lean management strategy to overcome these common struggles and highlight how you can leverage Adobe work as you apply Lean management strategies at your company. So to kick us off, we’re going to kind of cover these five main goals of Lean management. And Lean management is an organizational management strategy that combines two main goals. So continually improving efficiency and providing high value to your customers. It’s a long term approach and designed to reduce waste and create a streamlined workflow through small, incremental process changes. While the main purpose of Lean management is to maximize value, it also emphasizes the success and continual growth of employees. And you can kind of accomplish all these goals by focusing on three main pillars providing value to the customer, reducing waste and improving continuously, and lean management also encourages shared responsibility across the organization. So all team members are respected and encouraged to contribute ideas, and everyone’s expected to continually improve and contribute to shared goals. When it’s correctly implemented, it can lead to increased efficiency, productivity and customer and employee satisfaction. So the five goals associated with this strategy, again, as you can see on the screen, are reducing waste, providing value, improving continuously shared responsibility across teams and increase their efficiency, productivity and customer employee satisfaction. So what are the benefits of weight management? Implementing a lean management strategy has significant, tangible benefits for virtually any organization. One of the main benefits is an improved focus. So by eliminating waste from your workflow, you create space to focus on what really matters. The tasks that produce the most value can receive all of your attention, resulting in better products and services, more satisfied customers, and more fulfilled employees. And I should have pause between five. But Danielle, I just want to make sure there’s no questions really quickly. Nope. I’m not seeing any yet. Okay, cool. So the next benefit that we wanted to highlight is better resource management. So using a closed system ensures that you’re using the minimum amount of resources required to generate value. When you eliminate excess resource consumption, you get greater visibility into what resources you have, more flexibility in how you use them and ultimately higher profitability. Productivity and efficiency is another benefit of lean management. So when tasks are more focused and workflows are seamless, your workplace naturally becomes more efficient and productive. You create more value with less input. And that’s kind of the most basic formula that exists for business success and growth. So last but not least, we have smarter business decisions. So by mapping your workflow and responding only to demand you’re working smarter instead of harder. Taking a bird’s eye view of your entire process and adopting a consistent philosophy of improvement enables you to be strategic, creative and efficient. Every part of your business. So to further kind of break out the strategy, we have the five principles of Lean management. We’ve covered the challenges, the goals and benefits. So this is kind of like the next steps in in actually implementing a and the first principle is establishing value. So to be a successful business, you must provide value to your customer. That’s an obvious one. Value is defined as something that customer that a customer is willing to pay for and true value convinces them to buy your product. So the first step to lean management is to identify precisely what kind of value you’re providing and where it’s coming from. Next, you’ll want to create a visual map of the workflow of your company, which takes us to the second principle of value street mapping, and that helps you identify exactly where value is being created and where it’s not. So visualizing your business process helps you see what’s working, what needs improvement and what can be considered waste. Once you’ve pinpointed value in your workflow, then you can cut the fat by eliminating any business processes that don’t help provide that value. You might find that cross-functional teamwork poses a challenge by creating bottlenecks. That’s a very common roadblock for lean management. You can correct this by accurately mapping your workflow, identifying issues and reengineering problematic processes. The key to a continuous workflow is avoiding bottlenecks and creating a waste free, seamless workflow for all your employees. Another way to avoid waste is to create a product only when there is a demand. So organizing your workflow so that it only happens when triggered by demand is known as creating pull. And this keeps you from doing work that doesn’t provide value and minimizes overhead. It also ensures that whenever there is demand, you have plenty of resources available to rise up and meet it. And then the fifth principle is to continuously improve. The final step is probably the most important. Lean management is not finished. Once your systems built, it’s really just getting started. At that point, you and your employees must constantly optimize and improve as problems arise and are solved each time and inefficiency is noted, employees should have the responsibility and be empowered to tweak this system and make it more efficient. This means all employees are contributing and everyone’s kind of helping improve the business as they go. So how do you use Work front to empower your Lean team? Now that we’ve dug into what Lean management is and how to implement it, we’re going to take you through some of the specific tools you have within Adobe Work that will help you implement this work strategy. Do we have any questions before we dig into this piece? Very good. Looks good. Sorry. So in work front, you can access data through list views on customer built in reports, dashboards, blueprints and more to identify value and work. Front reporting and benchmarking are truly key. There are a ton of resources that make it easier for you to benchmark where you’re currently at and then measure value as you mature. We have an amazing team of folks who have created blueprints and they allow you to just quickly install an instrument, instantly visualize the data that you’re aggregating within work from. I don’t know if everyone here is familiar with blueprints or not, but we’ll provide a link here with instructions for how to download them and the list of all the available blueprints that we have. There’s quite a few. We’re going to cover a couple that we think are really important in terms of helping to establish a lean management practice. So we highly recommend targeting. I do want to go to the next slide. We highly recommend this value Realization Core Value Dashboard Blueprint. It’s a single dashboard and it has 21 reports Prebuilt to help you measure the value of work for it. They help you translate the benefits of centralizing work and managing your work process into measurable values that you can track over time to drive better outcomes even if you’re not utilizing or aren’t. Maybe don’t have capacity to dig into these reports today. We definitely recommend that you install the blueprint anyways, because then work. Those reports will start, start pulling in data and you can always go back and benchmark from there. So these are a really important tool for measuring value and we always recommend installing these. And then the next blueprint I’m going to talk about is the review and approve dashboard. This one has seven pre-built reports inside that that’ll help you build out that visual map of your organization’s workflow. So I, I’m going to drop the I’m going to pass the mic to Daniel and I am going to drop the link in the chart now that will list the downloadable blueprints and work front for you and then a second link that has the instructions for downloading if you need them. There’s a couple experienced league documentation links around blueprint, so if you need more or have additional questions, feel free to reach out to either one of us. And again, we’ll send all this out after the webinar as well. So Nicole, with your question, are there any required fields for installing a blueprint? The answer is no. So you can install the blueprint and if there are any fields that you’re not currently utilizing and work front, like for example, in the core value dashboard or well, actually the system maintenance dashboard. The System Maintenance Dashboard has a project template clean up section and if you are not utilizing project templates, that would just be left blank, you would just see like project template clean up and then there wouldn’t be anything underneath. So if you are downloading your core value dashboard or any of these dashboards and you’re seeing sections or reports that are blank, it just means that you’re probably not utilizing that functionality in work front. But if you have any questions, definitely reach out to the work front Customer care team. We can add a link on how to reach them using experience league there. Great that once you’ve downloaded this, if you need any help navigating it, they can quickly log into your instance and help you. All right. The next dashboard is There we go. The System Admin Maintenance Blueprint. So this is another blueprint that was released last year, one of the most necessary but tedious jobs of being a system admin is cleanup and sometimes it can feel very daunting to get that cleanup done because you don’t really know where to look. So this is again, a list of reports that gives you exactly what you need to clean up so it can say this is how many project templates you have, This is how many custom forms you have. These are users that haven’t logged in in X amount of days. There’s also a really great webinar linked here. So there’s the download instructions and then there’s also a webinar that work front did last year on how to maintain your system and use these dashboards to keep it clean. A big part of these core, all of these blueprints that we went through, especially with the value mapping, is if bad data is in your instance, bad data is going to come out. So it’s really important if you haven’t done a cleanup of your instance, I would highly recommend downloading this dashboard and starting here and then moving on from blueprints. We’re going to look at creating your continuous workflow. So kind of this is going to tell the full story from initial requests to end of Project Life on how to create that continuous workflow and avoid waste. So a big part of creating your continuous workflow is request cuz we’re a huge fan of request queues at work front. We talk about them all the time. You should definitely be utilizing them if you’re not. This is a way that any user with a work front license can go in and put in a new request for work. So let’s say somebody has to needs work for a digital asset. We can kind of start the story off there. It’s a sales rep. They have a new request for a digital asset. They submit the request and work front, and then the project manager can very easily see that there’s a new request and work front for this digital asset. All of the information that you need for the asset can be included in the request using custom forms, and then also requests can be updated and tracked by the requester and project owner. So you can use that update stream which we’ll talk about a little bit more later to say, you know, thank you so much. We’ve received this request. We expect it to start on May 25th, for example. And then that requester knows exactly what’s happening and they can give the updates that they need versus kind of digging around through their email. Again, there’s some documentation about how to set up a request queue. There’s some free tutorials there and then work Front did a webinar earlier this year that was discussed, that discussed all about request queues. Project templates is another aspect that is very, very important to avoid waste. This is a very big timesaver. Again, if you aren’t using it, I would highly recommend starting to just do some research on it. We have some webinars and documentation on how to set it up, but using project templates is really one of the easiest way to create easiest ways to create repeatable processes and gather necessary information. And thinking back to that, you know, sentiment of bad data comes in, bad data comes out, project templates really helps avoid that. So if you are utilizing your project templates and everything for digital assets has one project template, you are very easily able to report on that. So how many project templates are late? What tasks are taking the most time, or is there one specific task that’s taking the most time? What are predecessors that need to be set up? And then the best part is, is that every time a new project is created, that project manager or that requester or whoever is managing that project on the backend, they’re not having to create a new project every time. They’re just able to very quickly download that template and get started. And then next on in the way of so project templates in order to use utilize resource management, you do have to use project templates. That’s very important. But resource management is another tool to kind of again create that continuous workflow. So you the request is put and the request has been put in, you’ve been able to commit to a date of starting on May 25th. You now need to assign someone to it. So there’s two different tools that you can utilize in the resource management package. First, there’s the resource planner, and this is enabling you to make data driven decisions about resource prioritization. So you can go into the resource planner and start planning out different teams work. So let’s say that request on it requires a designer and a copywriter. So you need to create your you need to go in and see on your designer and copywriter teams who’s available to create that work starting on May 25th and plan that out. Then there’s also the workload balancer. So this is providing visibility into who’s available and when. So you’ll be utilizing both aspects of this tool. So you’ll go into the work load balancer and see, okay, I know that Amanda, the copywriter, is available to start this work. She’s not overworked that week. She she’s only tracking, you know, 20 hours for the week of May 25th. I can assign her that project. So again, it’s just a way to empower your employees, make sure they’re working on the correct things and creating that continuous workflow. Some documentation if you are interested in resource management, we have the resource planner and work load balancer information documentation here. And then this is also another blueprint that was created by a member of our Customer Success Architect team there. She’s a former sys admin and she created a project template to set yourself up for resource management. If you are not currently utilizing resource management, chances are is there is going to be some instant cleanup that needs to happen. You need to make sure that your templates are in order, your teams are in order, and that your instance is clean to get the most out of your the resource management tool. So there is a blueprint here to download that project and see all of the steps that you need to take to make sure your instance is ready to use resource management to advocate the abilities. And then there’s another webinar here on how to get started with resource management. So finally we’re working on the project. Somebody has been assigned, we’re at the project kickoff date. So once that request has been converted, all of the relevant information from the request is going to be transferred over to the project and then you can start supporting, creating that continuous workflow. So we highly recommend utilizing the update stream. You can create teams in work front. So again, like have that designer team, that copywriter team. So users on off, so users on a full project can be tagged versus multiple individuals. So if you just have to tag the designer, all of the designers working on this project, you can at tag them designers versus going back and forth and seeing, you know, who needs to be tagged and then also train users how to adjust notifications to ensure they’re getting project updates that are relevant to them. There is a lot of people that feel like they get too many notifications from work front, especially like if they’re not being tagged, they’re just getting dozens of update updates every day. So kind of figure out what’s best for you. You know, we have some documentation here on work front notifications that can be sent out to anybody who needs it and just do some basic training on, you know, go into your go into your profile and adjust to make sure that you are getting the email notifications that you need. And we also have integrations with Slack and teams that can send project updates. Oops, sorry. There we go. And then with digital assets, we also want to talk about proof with which comes with creating your continuous workflow. So using Adobe Work, prompt proof can help you save time in meetings and costly mistakes during the design process. I’m sure we’ve all seen times where, you know, an email campaign went out incorrectly or the link was wrong or the image was wrong. Proof really helps cut that out. So as you’re working on the project, if it is a digital asset, it can be uploaded to proof and then you can go through that review and approve process. I will say proof is an extra cost for licenses. So if you do not currently have approved license, but this is something that you’re interested in after reading additional documentation, this is something to talk to your work for an account representative about. All right. So keeping up with the theme of creating pull and avoiding waste work front offers a lot of native integrations and more are coming every single quarter. The two Adobe products that we have work front integrations for are the Creative Cloud. This is where you can save time, updating projects and tasks and never leave the Creative Cloud. This is a free integration that’s very easy to download. When we send out this deck, if you click on any of these icons, it will lead you directly to the instructions on how to download them. But these are all free integrations that are available to you to help make your team’s life easier. A big part of Lean teams is meeting your teams where they are at and figuring out ways that they like to work. So if you have a designer team that really likes to work in Creative Cloud and they don’t want to be switching back and forth between multiple systems, it is possible for them to do a majority of their work in Creative Cloud and continue that update process and continue that continuous workflow while adding information to the to the work front project. We also have Adobe Experience Manager Assets and Assets Essentials. This is another out of the box integration. This helps create organized experiences in real time reporting to empower your teams to deliver amazing work faster and connect that connect the dam with your Adobe with Adobe work right? These are some third party integrations. So we at work front use particularly the Slack and outlook notification very frequently. It’s nice, especially with Slack you can get a slack any time somebody updates me on a project or tags me or I’ve been added to a project, I get a Slack notification directly. I check Slack a lot more than I check email. It’s a little bit faster, but you can also like if you are sending an email about a project, you can connect it to that project and work front and you don’t have to put the update and work front and the update an email. You can just do everything in your outlook and it’ll set, it’ll update the project automatically using this integration. So there’s a lot of great free third party integrations definitely to check out. Like I said, if you click this link, you’ll see the documentation to download them the Slack and outlook notification. Like I can speak to these two directly, they’re very, very simple to download. It just takes a couple of minutes. And then fusion is another great way to to create, pull and avoid waste. You can use Adobe work for fusion to create scenarios to automate your most repetitive processes so that employees can focus on the tasks that mean the most to them. So fusion, just to give everybody a little bit of background, is a no code software that works by linking different actions together. So you can do a work front to a third party application. I’ve seen a lot of really popular work front to work front capabilities. For example, if projects, if you’re seeing that projects are consistently late because nobody is doing that last kind of check off task and marking everything at 100%, you can create a work front scenario for this project. If the document is dropped into this folder, the project is automatically complete. So those are some ways to again, kind of cut out those really tedious activities. We’ve a lot of great documentation here on Fusion. We have a member of our ultimate success team named UN. He actually spoke at Summit on Fusion. He’s kind of our resident fusion expert. He did an expert insights discussing all about his history with Fusion. That’s a fantastic webinar I would take a listen to. We have a finding efficiencies in work front with automation, and then we have documentation on a fusion overview. If you have any questions about utilizing fusion and how to get that set up, definitely reach out to your work front Representative. They can help put in a ticket with our customer success team to get more information about Fusion. Now looking at some key takeaways, so this Lean Teams webinar highlighted the importance of efficiency and continuous improvement. We emphasize streamline communication and flexibility to adapt to changing demands. It’s really important with lean management to encourage empowerment, cross-functional collaboration and making data driven decisions, utilizing work front and creating that and creating key strategies for fostering a customer or product centric approach, and also embracing failure as a learning opportunity. So some key takeaways here is utilizing fusion and project templates and native integrations to focus on efficiency and eliminate waste using request queues. And project number two is using request cues and project updates to streamline your communication and create your continuous workflow. Number three is utilizing those reporting, dashboard and blueprint capabilities to make data driven decisions and improve your learning teams and improve your Lean teams faster. Next is viewing failures as an opportunity and learning for growth. Like Amanda said earlier, work front really is not a set it and forget it. So if you have project templates or fusion scenarios that aren’t working, we always recommend, you know, meeting on a consistent basis and looking at your processes and seeing what’s not working, learning from past mistakes and seeing how you can do things better and utilizing some of these best practices that are available to you to kind of continue to refine your process and just focusing on continuous improvement from any failures. Last but not least, for anybody that doesn’t know, Work Front has a very vibrant and vocal community. So using your use your work front community for support when standing up your lean teams or for any of the topics that we discussed today or work from product functionality, we have community chats. There are free work, front customer success events that happen usually five or six times a month. There’s webinars like this to help with questions, and if you feel like you need more support, reach out to your customer success manager or account director and somebody like myself or Amanda can come in and help you learn more about how to stand up a Lean team or about any of these product features that we just discussed. I just dropped a link to the work for community and wanted to reiterate Danielle’s point there. There are so many great discussions going on in there and I always kind of check here first when I do have a question because there’s a good chance someone’s asked it and there’s a lot of really smart work experts in here that are helping each other out every single day. So definitely check that out if you have questions or just want to be in touch with other work front users who are always kind of trying to figure out the next best thing. And those free events, they are run by former system admins. So a lot of people that work for work front are former system admins and very avid work front users. They do monthly community chats just to learn about best practices and meet other system admins. I’ve found kind of all the softwares that I’ve worked on in the past. I’ve found that work really is a community, so system admins are very willing to help each other. So if you ever have any questions, go to one of those community chats and you know, type it in the chat and somebody will be more than willing to help you. And a lot of times admins that are really experienced will jump on and say, You know, I can get on the phone with you for 15 minutes and help with this. So those events are really fantastic as well. And I just posted a link to those too, and we’ll make sure we include that when we send out the DAC, because I think those are really one of the best resources we have at work. Right. And I’ll add that even if you can’t attend one of the events, if you register for it, they’ll email you the recording. So not all of the recordings live in experience, but if you registered for the event, you’ll get an email with a link to it. And I didn’t see any other questions in the chat. But if anyone has any and wants to to stick them in there, feel free. Danielle and I are both pretty accessible. You’ll have our email when we send this out to you, so feel free to reach out to us individually too. If you have questions you don’t want to ask in this format. And Danielle is going to launch a quick two question. Paul, we really appreciate your feedback. They’re very quick, simple questions, but they will also help shape some of our future webinars. So thank you everyone for your time. We really appreciate you joining and we hope to see you at future events and hear from you. If you do have any questions. And we’ll stay on for a couple of minutes, so let everybody answer. The next poll is coming. We’ll stay on for a couple of seconds to let everybody answer this poll. Yes. Our hope is that this helps. I know a lot of people are working with the kind of the bare minimum crew these days. So hopefully this provided some good tips and tricks on how to use work front to adjust to that Lean Teams methodology. For some reason, the poll is not letting me add an open ended question. So the question is, and we will be able to record this down, are there any topics that you’d like to see covered in future sessions? Feel free to answer in the chat at any time. Like I said, we’ll stay on for another minute or so so everybody can answer this poll. But if there are any topics that you’d like to see covered, we can make sure to pass that along and get them on the agenda right. Well, thank you, everybody, for your time and for attending. You’ll get all of these resources sent out to you within the next day or so. Definitely recommend taking a look at experience league. It’s a really it’s a it’s a really great resource. And if you ever have any questions about how to navigate experience league, definitely reach out to your customer success manager. And with that, I hope everybody has a great rest of their Tuesday. Thanks everyone. Bye.
Meeting overview
The meeting focused on Lean Teams and maximizing efficiency with Adobe Workfront. Here is a summary of the key points discussed,
Lean Teams and Efficiency
- Discussed challenges faced by Lean teams.
- Highlighted goals and benefits of Lean management.
- Emphasized principles associated with Lean management.
Strategies for Efficiency
- Importance of continuous improvement.
- Streamlining communication.
- Making data-driven decisions.
Workfront Tools
- Utilization of Workfront tools like blueprints, resource planner, and integrations for success.
Key Takeaways
- Strategies for efficiency.
- Communication streamlining.
- Data-driven decision-making.
- Fostering a learning mindset.
- Engaging with the Workfront community for support and best practices.