Maximizing Efficiency: Lean Teams and Customer Journey Analytics
The webinar will demonstrate how integrating these concepts can drive efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and support data-driven decision-making within organizations.
Hey, thanks for joining. We’ll give everyone a few more minutes to trickle in. Hey, everyone. Thanks again for joining. We’ll be getting started in the next couple of minutes. Today’s session is going to be focused on maximize efficiency, really focused on lean teams with Customer Journey Analytics led by Camila Chico. We’re going to wait just a few minutes, probably about five after before we get started. And thanks again for joining. Feel free during the presentation to ask questions. If you use the Q&A portion, it’s a little bit easier for us to manage and answer those questions. But feel free to ask something in the chat or Q&A and I’ll do my best to answer it. While Camilla is presenting. And while we wait, we just want to let you all know about a couple of upcoming other sessions that we have this quarter. If you’re interested, I’m going to paste all of the links in the chat. But I coming we have a Target personalization session and Agile Central Session, Journey Optimizer, mobile capabilities and ATP use, case planning sessions. Thanks, Steve, for the great opening. Hello, all, all and welcome and thank you for joining today’s session. Focus on CGA and the teams. As Steve mentioned, my name is Camilla and I work in the Adobe Customer Success Organization as a customer success manager, where I focus on helping customers get as much value as possible from their Adobe Solutions. I’m going to start this session today. First and foremost, thank you for joining the session. Just to note that the session is being recorded and a link to the recording will be sent out to everyone who is registered. This is a live webinar and it’s a listening only format but is very much intended to be interactive in that as we go through the content today in today’s session, feel free to ask any questions onto the chat. Our team will answer any questions there are, and we also have reserved some time to discuss questions that could come up at the end of the session. Note that if you have any questions that we don’t get during the session, the team will take note and follow up. We will distribute a survey at the end of the presentation and we love for you to and to participate in that survey to help us shape future sessions. So with that said, let’s get started as we mentioned today, we’ll be discussing lean teams and Customer Journey Analytics and how to maximize the tool. So for today’s agenda will be we’ll start discussing the different challenges Lean teams face as well as the different approaches that can help mitigate the challenges. We will then apply those strategies or approaches within CGA and discuss different capabilities that can help teams fight those challenges. We will wrap up and leave room for questions and the survey at the end. That said, let’s get started on our first topic of today’s session. Lean Team challenges and overcoming them. So as many of you experience in the past or experience I am right now working on a Lean team has as many difficulties. Here are the most common challenges that teams face while they’re working. Resource constrained. This refers to the limitation and restriction of a team’s resources, including personnel time budget materials. Often resource constrained can impact a team in various ways, such as lower project timelines, reduce quality and deliverables, and decrease innovation and creativity. The second challenge is lack of collaboration. This is the inability of teams to achieve continuous improvement and high performance due to siloed workloads. Workflows and communication gaps. Often when a team lacks collaboration, at least inefficiencies reduce problem solving capabilities and lower quality output. The third challenge is limited bandwidth and workload challenge. This refers to the team’s members lack of capacity to handle additional task and the ability to manage the volume and complexity of tax due to resource constraints and so forth. So in impacts the team with performance and overall efficiencies. And lastly, the last challenge will be skills gaps and training. This refers to the difference between the skills that team members currently possess and the skill required to perform task effectively and efficiently. Often, skill gaps is addressed through training, but due to resource constrained limited bandwidth. When workload challenges, often teams cannot transfer that knowledge and as a result, the team’s ability to achieve goals is often challenge. And as you can see, the common pattern here is that teams with these challenges are not being are unable to be effective and work efficiently. So how does one go about helping overcome those challenges? So we have put four different approaches here that can help alleviate and mitigate the challenges for the foreseeable future. When you’re working on a lean team and we will focus on these four challenges today, the first challenges focus on organization. So it means establish processes that help streamline communication, reduce errors, and ensure data is consistent. Prioritize. Prioritize efficiency. This simply is when you’re focusing on optimizing processes, resources and workflows to maximize productivity. The third approach is empower collaboration. Always promote an environment that encourages working effectively and sharing knowledge with minimal friction. And the last approach is démocratie knowledge, which is to create an environment where everyone can access information, have decision making power, and have opportunities to contribute. So how does C.J. empower your Lean team with these four approaches? In the next few slides will dig into the different capabilities that C.J. can bring on to your team to address the challenges. So the first that we’re going to talk about is using customer journey analytic to help teams when it comes to organization. So just a quick recap on our first strategy. Focus on organization again, create a process that helps streamline communication, reduce errors, and ensure data is consistent. A way in which you can provide this type of focus is by creating a data repository. It repository again can help streamline communication, reduce errors and ensure data is consistent within Adobe C.J… You can create a repository using data dictionary. It improves the accessibility because data centralize in one place. So let’s talk a little bit more about data dictionary. Here is a quick overview. So data dictionary helps users and admins keep track of and better understand the components in there. In the Lakes environment, it prevents new users to wonder which components they need to use or what each component is listed at for a specific report suite or dev you mean? As for admins, it helps keep track of components that are approved. Components are a duplicate or those that have collected any data. Admins can easily audit their component landscape and allow them to improve the quality and health of the data that is made available for their users so they can. So they have the necessary context and can use that data with confidence. So as you can see, having a type of data dictionary is crucial when it comes to communication and keeping the team aligned. So in fact, here are some quick key benefits that can help lean teams, particularly facing limited bandwidth and resources constraint and enhances communication. It provides a common language for the team to discuss data elements. Reducing misunderstandings, increases scalability, support, scalability by providing a clear framework for adding new data elements or modifying existing ones without causing confusion or errors. Improve zero visibility. Everyone is able to access data that is consistent and accurate. And lastly, of course, it increases efficiency, saves time by providing quick answers about data elements, reducing the need for line explanations or redundant research. So now that we have gone over what data dictionary is and some key benefits, let’s see how you can use and access this data dictionary. So the first ways you can or the way you can access your data dictionaries in the following ways from data dictionary icon in the left rail and from the data dictionary icon within the info pop over of a component. So here we have an illustration of the icon in the left rail and the pop over of a component. So it actually is important to note that when you’re using the pop over icon, you will find that these of the you will find that every component has embellished with a frequently use and similar to section. So we’re going to use similar to the frequently used section list. The top five components are metric segments, dimension and rate date ranges that are typically part of the same for you from table that includes this component. So for instance, here you will see that the campaign dimension is mostly common use with the following metrics such as month costs. Impressions click through the user is on. So now that we talked about a little bit about how to access, let’s talk about how to maintain this data dictionary. It is crucial to keep the dictionary in good, good health because again, the key here is to have your data be accurate and consistent. So teams can use it with confidence. So Customer Journey Analytics administrators are responsible for maintaining the Health Data Dictionary, a healthy data dictionary is one where all components are being used and gathering data contain helpful descriptions so users know how to use and when to use them, and free are free from unnecessary duplicates and of course are approved by the administrator. So how does one go about checking this? You are always able to do it by going through analysis, workspace and selecting the data dictionary icon on the left rail. You are always need to ensure that the correct report suite is selected usually by default. The current report suite that you’re on will be selected, but always make sure that if you want a different report suite to ensure that that’s been selected. And in this area, once you have your data dictionary, you will then have different tabs where you can select view to any of the following. So components are missing descriptions. Components have duplicate names or definitions. Components have no recent data. Components are unapproved depending on what you select. The proper filter is applied to the data dictionary and only the relevant component or shell. It is important to note, though, that not all components have to have descriptions. You can take a look and decide which ones need descriptions and which ones don’t need descriptions. When it comes to when it comes to duplicate, it only shows components that have either the same name or the same description as the as of another component in the selected data view. This includes components you create as well as those provided by Adobe names or descriptions must have the exact match in order to show as duplicate and unapproved components is not a bad thing. But rather than rather approve components have an additional vote of confidence where new analytic users can use them with more to good. So where new analytics users can use them to have better analysis. And with that said, now that we talked about data dictionary, let’s jump over to talk about how C.J. can drive efficiencies with projects and specifically with project creation in sharing. So again, let’s focus let’s talk a little bit about quicker. Let’s do a quick recap on efficiency approach and what we discussed earlier today. So when we focus on efficiency, we want to optimize processes, resources and workflows to maximize productivity. You want to know your audience and most importantly, focus on automation. So with C.J., a couple ways you can be efficient is via project creation and sharing. So project creation lets you limit the components before share and project components can be dimensions, metrics, segments, data, beat ranges. And so forth. When a recipient opens the project, they will see a limited set of components that you have created for them. Creation is an optional recommended step before sharing a project. The creation process does not limit the flexibility, the flexibility of projects, and also uses users to use components to perform any breakdowns or preparations, etc… Some quick key benefits when it comes to using or creating projects you. Resource Optimization Focus on virtualization, increasing efficiency, enhance communication and collaboration. Specifically, it increases efficiency because lean teams can streamline process and deliver resources more quickly, which is essential when it comes to a fast paced competitive environment. And of course, enhance communication and collaboration. Everyone knows which project they’re working on, what their roles and responsibilities are. So now that we talked a little bit about current creation, let’s move over onto what it means to share a project with an analytic workspace. So there are three ways to share a workspace project. You can do it through share project, get project link and scheduling, and the next slides will provide overview of each of them and how to utilize them. So for to share a project, you can share your project with other users and grant them specific levels of access and control. This is, for example, AT accepts grant users ability to edit and save the original document. Duplicate access allows users to create a copy of the dashboard the copy, but not the original is edible by the user view. Grants only grants the user the ability to view the dashboard and of course curated shares. That means limit the segments, metrics and dimensions to those used by the creator of the dashboard. This is extremely important when it comes to working in a lean team because it provides the ability for people to be productive, have better communication and collaboration. Now we talked about shared projects. Let’s move on to what it is to share a project via link. So when you are doing this, you’re going to use the get link, get project link, which is a short link which is generated that allows easy and quick access to works with projects. This is important to know that in order to share a link you have to have a log in that is required for a user to see the project. However, there are ways in which you can share the project with people outside of organization or even people that are in your organization that just don’t have access to a And this is just by when you click on Grant read only access to analysis workspace projects to people. Then people who don’t have access can then go in and look at the project. Again, these include people that are outside of our organization, people that are in your organization that they just don’t have. C.J… And lastly, the last way to share a project is through scheduling. You can schedule a project, you can use send file. This allows you to either send immediately or on a particular schedule. Workspace files can be delivered, be a PDF or C ASCII format. This is extremely important in case you have a particular project that you’re trying to have it deliver everyday a specific time. You now have the capability of scheduling and having that project run over and over again at the time that you wanted the data that you want. So again, this is helping with automation and distribution of reports, which reduces a lot of manual effort. And as a team you need to be more efficient and you need to make sure that you are taking advantage of all these automations. So with that said, I just want to recap on the importance of sharing projects. So again, sharing projects and analysis workspace allows you to view business critical analysis that can be shared with stakeholders inside or outside your organization. This can significant benefit teams by increasing collaboration. Teams can quickly create projects, generate insights and share findings without extensive setup increments to increase bandwidth, streamline collection and data analysis processes for enough time for strategic task. And of course, lastly, increasing efficiency. The automation and distribution of reports decreases manual efforts. So now that we’ve talked about in our projects, let’s talk about driving collaboration. And it is important to note that projects by creation and sharing, they do drive collaboration. But I want to focus on this on a analytic dashboard. The quick recap on Empower Collaboration. You want to create an environment that promotes working effectively and sharing knowledge with minimal friction. The key here is to facilitate sharing report findings from anywhere, and a great tool that teams can use today is analytic dashboard. Analytic dashboards provides anytime, anywhere insight from Customer Journey Analytics. The app allows users more access to intuitive scorecards of all score. Cars are a collection of key metrics and components presented in a tile tiled layout that you can tap for more detailed breakdowns and trend reports. In fact, when you use and I like dashboards, it allows frictionless access and removes resistance to volume portability. Mobile first designed for ongoing on the go insights easy of use simplified intuitive interface and lastly concise insights. Simply simple visualizations were changed indicators for faster time to action. Again, the key here is that we want to promote the ability for any for everyone to use this anywhere they are. In fact, I actually had a client yesterday, big retail brand talking about another dashboard and how it really has helped them when it comes to collaborating on specific projects. I think they were talking about the time, a time period where like the website wasn’t as busy. So they had this another dashboard that was created by an analyst that was sent to the stakeholders to keep them on the note. I’m like, okay, what is going on? Why is the website not working or not working? But why is it so slow? And so, you know, they show the power of collaboration there that then they’re now thinking strategically on how to get more people onto their site at that specific time. And with that said, let’s talk a little bit about how it actually works. So mobile dashboards, you have your analyst create a credit score card where then business users, stakeholders and who not can answer can access concise insights in real time. Mobile app helps executives and business users access key insights they need to make strategic and operational decisions. When dashboards with knowledge, dashboards, executives and business users can function as citizen analysts, using created dashboards to quickly and easily pull inside in the moments they need. Again, this is a great way for executives and business users to self-serve insight to make informed and better decisions for the business and a side for aside of them getting information, you can build a data story with these analytics or analyst dashboards. So a data story is a collection of supporting data points, business context and related metrics built around a central theme or metric. So, for example, if you want to focus on web traffic, your most important metrics may be visits, occurrences, purchase behavior. But you also want to have a view on other things like unique visitors, new visitors. And you may want to break down that data by web page or by what device type the traffic is coming from the data story, or the data here will help you then create a report where you can’t lets you see the most important metrics and get them in front and center while turn the whole story behind. Matt Behind what you’re looking to learn more about. So again, like you can create a report, right? Like quick speaker on like what is it that you’re trying to achieve with this specific report? Select the metrics that you want and then create separate visualizations where you can show your business users or executives or anyone that wants to use this specific tool. The important metrics in the important things that are happening. And lastly, just wanted to give you a quick view of what you see through the mobile dashboard. With the mobile dashboard, there is a tile view. This view displays key data visualization visualizations for executive users. You can see different dimensions or metrics. For example, you can see here the number of visits, unique visitors, page views, total revenue and so forth. The transit view is a detailed view that you can click onto on each tile. You can add different visualization to illustrate how you will like to date the data to appear. And another cool thing that you’re does is also custom date ranges. So you can date mean you can change the date range on your scorecard to reflect the date that you want and you want to learn more about. And lastly, you can add segments within the analytics dashboards or the mobile dashboards. You can just drag and drop the segments to the dashboards. And again, just wanted to emphasize the importance of analytic dashboards when it comes to working lean teams. It allows immediate insight access data anytime, anywhere, enabling lean teams to make informed decisions quickly. Instant sharing that means data and insights can be easily shared with colleagues, stakeholders, promoting quick collaboration and decision making and faster feedback, and enable team members to quickly provide feedback and insight based on real time data. And now that we’ve talked about analytic dashboards, let’s talk about the power of democratization. And it can only happen when teams are being able to have access to information, have decision making power. And that happens when you are we’re trained in analytics. And how does that how does that happen with self-service tools? So again, quick recap, to create a or to democratize knowledge, you have to create an environment where everyone can access information, have decision making power, and have opportunities to contribute. You want to spend time empowering users who are less familiar with analytics, and CGA has some cool features and tools that can help with that. So the first one that I want to talk about is a learning path. The key to a learning path is tailored to users with varying experience levels, providing them with content specifically catered to their needs. In workspace, users can search for and filter content based on its type and experience level, ensuring that they find the most relevant and suitable resources. This form of this is a form of scalable automated enablement. The learning paths are contained, contained, are useful, user friendly and extremely and streamlined navigation and interface, allowing users to view content more conveniently. Another cool feature within CGA that helps self-service is API assistance for CJK. Air Systems is a convenient conversational experience that allows practitioners to perform tasks quickly. In fact, as a novice user, you can use air system to learn customer journey, analytic concepts and onboard yourself to products and features that you aren’t familiar with. And as an experienced user, you can use air systems, 2% more advanced use cases or tips or tricks. The air system is CGA and CGA is trained in its Adobe experience like documentation. So when you ask the question, Air Systems responds with a helpful answer that enables quick learning. Some of the concepts that can be asked are what is the difference between batch and stream ingestion? What is a best use for and how do I set up your data view? And you can do this by going on to your workspace and then you’ll see that they have added this little question or comment. You can click on it and then you can start asking your questions right away. Another cool feature that allows self-service is quick insights. Quick insights allows novice users to self-serve in order to answer business questions quickly and easily. Use natural language to explain the data occurring and help keep the use users in context of their questions. And lastly, simplifies and speeds up segmentation by letting the users choose from an intuitive list of options. And one other self-service tool that I want to talk a little bit more about is intelligent captions. So intelligent captions uses advanced machine learning and generative AI to provide value about valuable natural language insights for workspace visualizations. The initial release provides auto generated insight for the line visualization visualization. Intelligent captions are geared towards new users or non allies who will will help better make sense of their data without the help of analysis analyst who have who need narratives to share it with other users. Analysts need these insights to be able to provide context to their users. In fact, I was talking to someone yesterday or a couple of days ago where they were using intelligent captions. And when you are logged in to your view, you will see this. And then at the top you’ll see like a little light bulb. You click on it and they’ll provide you these cool captions about the data that you’re seeing. And they were saying that this only took a couple of seconds while when they were interpreting the data and coming up with things to note and provide them to their stakeholders. They took them a couple of days. So this now, with intelligent captions, you can reduce the manual effort and be able to not only help users expand their knowledge faster as well. So now that we’ve talked about all of the cool features that are available within C.J., I just wanted to give some key takeaways from today’s session. So again, there’s many challenges that Team Leigh League teams face. A couple that were highlighted today were very resource constrained, limited bandwidth and workload challenges, lack of collaboration, skill gaps in training. And although we can’t address all the issues all at once, C.J. can help teams specifically with addressing time and personnel by creating processes and streamline communication, reducing errors and ensure data consistency. You can do so by using data dictionary. It helps to streamline communication and lets users know what components they can and cannot use. Limited bandwidth and workload challenges due to lack of communication, siloed workflows. And it is important to automate processes. You can do both with report creation and sharing capabilities to optimize processes and workflows, to increase productivity among analytics users. And with lack of collaboration similar, you’re lacking communication and siloed workflows, so you want to encourage working effectively and share knowledge. You can do this work and other dashboards to facilitate report sharing from anywhere and everywhere. And lastly, to address skill gaps in training, you can empower your users to have decision making powers and contribute to opportunities by using our features such as a path Learning AI Assistant, Quick Insight Panels and Guided Analytics to empower analytic users no matter their skill set. So with that said, I’m going to switch to Q&A and see if there are any questions that need to be answered. Steve Do we have any questions that are of that were noted on the on the call today? I think I was able to answer both questions that were posted in the chat, but so far, so no, it’s been a fairly silent group. I to mention Doug had asked if the recording will be made available. The answer to that is yes. So I just wanted to say that on the call, the sending out, I believe it goes out to the attendee list as well as it being posted online. And since there are no more questions, I just wanted to paste in chat a quick link to our survey. I believe it’s 2 to 4 questions long. So as I said, your participation in that really helps inform the content that we create webinars for and sort of the format for that. So we really appreciate it. If you have a minute to fill that out. Yeah. And we’ll provide a a quick minute here to have people fill out the portal. Again, it’s just to provide feedback and improve our future session. And with that said, I just want to thank everyone again for joining the session today, and we hope that we can join other future sessions. And again, don’t forget to do the poll, but thanks and I hope you have a wonderful day, wonderful weekend, and happy Friday.
Key takeaways
- Challenges faced by Lean teams include being resource-constrained, experiencing limited bandwidth and workload challenges, lack of collaboration, and skills gaps in training.
- Customer Journey Analytics (C.J.) can help teams by creating processes to streamline communication, reduce errors, and ensure data consistency using tools like data dictionary.
- Automation processes like report creation and sharing capabilities can optimize workflows and increase productivity among analytics users.
- Encouraging collaboration and sharing knowledge effectively can be facilitated through analytic dashboards to promote quick collaboration and decision-making.
- Empowering users with decision-making power and contributing opportunities through features like learning paths, AI assistants, quick insights panels, and guided analytics can address skill gaps and training needs for analytic users.