Journey Optimizer Mobile Capabilities
This introductory session to Adobe Journey Optimizer will empower beginners to create SMS and Push channel customer experiences that drive results using personalization. We will discuss fragment usage and personalization.
Can everyone hear me? Okay, This quick sound? Yes, Yes, that sounds good. It was. I was muted. Okay. All right. Hello. Good morning. Welcome. And thank you for joining Today’s session focused on trying to optimize our mobile capabilities. My name is Sam Jordan, and I work in Adobe’s ultimate success organization, where we focus on helping Adobe customers get as much value as possible from their Adobe Solutions. And I’m going to head in kick off our session today. So first and foremost, thank you for your time and attendance today. Just to note that this session is being recorded and a link to the recording will be sent out to everyone who registered. This live webinar is in a listen only format, but is very much intended to be interactive in that as we go through content in today’s session, feel free to share any questions in the chat with you and I’ll be monitoring that. Our team will answer as much as possible there. And in addition, if we have reserved time at the end to discuss questions, we can dive into those. And then if there are any questions we don’t get to during the session, our team will take note and follow up. We will also be sharing out a survey at the end of the presentation that we’d love your participation in to help us shape future sessions. And I am joined today by presenter drama about a principal customer success architect, a part of the ultimate successful organization. And now I’ll go ahead and turn things over to John to get us started. Thanks, Jim. Let me share screen. Can you see my screen? Yes. The call me Make it. There we go. All right, cool. Okay. Well, welcome, everybody. I may know some of you work with a lot of customers, so it’s nice to see you again. If so. And it’s nice to meet you. If not today, we’re going to go over the HBO Essentials mobile capabilities and configuration. Basically, you either have HBO and you’re just starting to use it or, you know, this is a kind of a beginner course, but we’re going to be going over some of the the three mobile capabilities of Agile, which are SMBs in APP and Push. So I know that there was a one of these yesterday that was kind of an introduction to Agile. So we’re going to get a little bit deeper into just those three pieces of it. This is a loose schedule here. So let’s talk about Journey Optimizer. For those of you who may not know about Journey Optimizer, you know, basically it’s the Adobe tool that’s built on the Experience Platform to do the following. It delivers personalized messaging in the form of different channels, which we’ll talk about in a second here. It helps to develop an integrated profile where you’re learning from your customers, your importing third party data, your, you know, point of sale data. Everything about the customer goes into app, which makes it extremely powerful as far as being able to personalize for your your customers. And then having all that data in one place allows us to apply predictive insights onto that data, to find trends and to add to really personalize and sell to your your customers high level agile capabilities. I mean, let me do something here really quick. Well. I was going to take myself. Off of camera just to have more space to see. There we go. So, you know, you orchestrate and deliver omnichannel, cross-channel experiences. Obviously, there’s embedded email and web experiments, fashion. So I don’t know if you’ve used Target. There’s something similar to Target, which is is the web part of this, which is one of the channels. But also what we’re gonna talk about today is the mobile and the in-app AB testing abilities, just sending out messages, etc… There’s also AI powered, intelligent decisioning built into Agile. I’ll also show some of the AI Firefly image generation in one of these. One of the one of the things I go over. Obviously you can manage your customer life lifecycle and campaigns in here with offer management fatigue, capping, making sure people are getting the same thing over and over again. I mean, it’s an Experience Platform and they are amazing what they do. I really enjoy working with them so, you know, and you can also have the combined physical and digital experiences where I’m going to show you someone goes into a spa, there’s a beacon and you send them a text message. Your geolocation is a big part of AEP and Agile. And then just the one on one personalized real time in-app messaging engagement, which is a little redundant, but that’s basically what what we’re going to go over today. Once again, real time customer insights and engagement. This is what you get in real time with this tool as a customer is interacting with you. You’re building that profile and you’re able to immediately respond to them with something else. You know, they put something in their cart, they make a purchase, etc… Agile can then allow you to send them, you know, an email or an SMS right At that moment, you know, you have a single canvas. So your omni channel orchestration and execution is is all built. It’s all set up, it’s intuitive and it’s easy for people to use. And of course, the intelligent decisioning and personalization part of this, which is, you know, a step above previous personalization tools. Okay. So this is now let’s get into the meat of it. So the way we communicate with our customers is through these channels. There’s mail, direct mail, email, web. Those three are going to be covered in other sessions. I think maybe yesterday’s session talked about email a little bit. Basically, Agile can send out, you know, batch emails. It can send out emails based on personalized emails, based on, you know, did a customer abandon a cart, for example? Right. You can also use it kind of like you use Target where you can offer a be experiences with within a web website and you can say, hey, you know, let’s change out this banner based on what we know about this customer. The three we’re gonna talk about today is app push, SMS and App. So we’ll start with SMS. And what I want to do is so when I approached this a few months ago, I just went into I have a sandbox account, which you’ll see in a second, and I was like, you know, are things working in my account? They weren’t working. I was like, Why not? And so it made me think, Well, okay, let’s just do a webinar here where we talk about what are the things? Say, for example, your it would do to get you up and running. Yeah, the one time setup. Okay, then that’s set and you’re ready to go. And then let’s show you a demo of once that’s up and running. Here’s an example of something you can you can do. Now, these are, you know, you can get a lot deeper on these things, but today, for our purposes, you know, we’re going to go over each one on kind of a high level, but it should definitely give you an overview of what needs to be set up before you start using these channels for for mobile. And then what you can do once those are set up. So let’s jump in there. Cool. So we’re gonna start with that SMS because that’s the easiest one. Okay, So when you set up the configuration, first of all, of course you have to integrate with your third party SMS service provider. The aggregators are all basically the way that you have software. You have aggregators and then you have like T-Mobile and AT&T. That’s how this works. That is, you would have to have an account. You may already be doing that. So you may be moving this from, say, another configuration into Ajao slash app. But that’s obviously the first thing, is to have that service provider ready to go. Then you go in and you can figure your API credentials for your account with them and then you create channel services. So, you know, we support integration with third party SMS. Everybody synch is what I see a lot Willow info bit. So what a lot of people will do is they’ll if they have more than one, they’ll create different templates for each one. But you don’t have to do that. You can just say, Hey, we have this service provider that we’re going to communicate with. Once this is set up and configured it and then Q aid, you’re ready to go. So make sure you have an account. You can’t do anything without that account. Create your account with your provider, right? With those guys, get your API credentials. I’ll show you that in a second. And then I’m going to show you how I’m going to show you this for the mess because of time constraints. But I have instructions for any in-app or push configurations. Also, we’re just not going to get super deep into those. You’ll have that. You’ll get this deck in this recording when this is over. So basically, let’s just, you know, hands on, go and ago going to admin, go to channels. Once you’re in channels, you have to configure your API credentials. The way that you do that is under SMS configuration. Here you go to channels that will open up this. If this panel isn’t showing, there’s a little box here to hide or open or close This panel in the tool go into your API credentials and click API credential. And then Adam, you know, this is obviously dummy data, but you know, it’s anyone who has done this before knows how to do this. And you, like I said, you should only have to do this once. So you’re basically saying, Hey, Joe, we’re going to use synch. Let’s set this up. Let’s set up our, you know, send our token in our ID, let’s have opt in keywords, let’s have opt out keywords in messages. You know, you always one of the big things about email and and the mobile stuff is allowing your customers to say, Hey, no, I don’t want to do this right. It’s a reputation based thing to not have that that affect your reputation. But that’s built in when you set it, when you when you configure this channel, it’s going to ask you to do that. And if you don’t, it’s going to it’s going to complain. So and then the next thing is to create a surface, right? So it’s the those are the technical parameters required to deliver SMS messages. So in order to get to your channels, you go to admin in Israel and then you go to channels, you go to create a channel surface, and then you create a SMB type channel. Let me see here. Yeah. So here’s some details of what that looks like. I want to create my my first SMS channel. You do this for everything, you do this for email, you do this for in-app, etc. and then you just pretty much follow the follow everything here, select your configurations, add your data, what’s your what, what’s your company representative, phone number, etc… Really, really self-explanatory. And also the Adobe Experience League has I’m going to give you a bunch of deck, a bunch of links at the end of this. This is all step by step, ready to go and you can follow along and experience like. And if you run into any problems, customer care will certainly. Help you out. So here’s the links on configure rating configuring your SMS. Which you will get out of this. All right. So let’s see on this or what’s next. Okay. Creating an SMS journey. So if you’ve if you’ve been in ago, you know what a journey is. You have campaigns and you have journeys. Journeys are personalization based for the most part. There’s an audience for you to get into a journey if, and then you can have conditions after that where, you know, maybe you got in because you were a a premium tier customer, but then you can further along have different conditions and say, you know what? Even more granular as far as those tiers are concerned. You can also have did the customer put something in their cart and leave it there? Okay. That’s that can be an audience. We know that. What did they put in their cart? You know, there’s a lot of things that you can do within a journey that, oh, is our app and you are aware of to create these journeys to make them entirely personalized. And each one of them, each one of the three mobile that we’re gonna talk about today are using these, these channels. There’s a lot of built in stuff in there. All right. The next one. And basically this that works it listens for an event and applies conditions and it triggers actions. This is a journey in a nutshell. You know, you get in it places, conditions. Listen, the events, you know, this would be I put something in my cart and never, never purchased it. And this would be send me an SMS message saying, hey, do you want to buy that thing? Are you interested in other things that are like that thing, etc.? And it’s all real time, which is pretty cool. All right. So we’re going to jump in. I’m going to do a demo after this. But once again, for those of you who have created journeys, you’ll understand this. You know, you create it, you design it, you test it, and then you publish it. Those are the four steps, I would say before create. Obviously, there’s ideation on your side with marketing or, you know, anybody who’s involved with, you know, what have we been doing, what are what are use cases, what do we want to do? What do we want to achieve? If you’re working with ultimate success, which is the team I’m on, we’re very proactive in helping people come together with their ideas and say, okay, let’s turn these into use cases and then let’s make this happen. This is the process we would we would go through to make them happen. So let’s go here. I’m going to jump over here and hopefully everything works. Yes. So this is a sandbox. It’s a mess. Granted. One thing I will say before I even start messing around in the sandbox is naming conventions are really important. So if you’ve been working in a jail, you know that you know, naming your audiences is important. Naming your journeys is important. So if you see something like this, that’s that’s not the way to do it. This is probably somebody who just started something and then left it behind. And mine are These are mine. I’m John, Moe’s boss. Mine are not that great, you know. But these are a little bit better, right? I mean, your business is probably going to have a lot of these journeys. So just keep in mind, naming convention is important and there is documentation that that I can share with that with you. So so what’s happened here? We came in, we got ago we set up our service providers, we got the API interact, we’re all set up, we’ve tested it and it works. So let’s create a journey. All right, So let’s do that. This is how you create an SMS journey. If you click on this. And the first thing obviously is an event. So in this case, let’s say I’m a spa owner, I’ve got a nice spa up the street I work at. And I. Created a beacon so that when someone comes in, I know they’re there and I can I can say, Hey, this person just entered the store. Let’s say they have an appointment. Let’s say it takes, you know, more than 15 minutes for that. You know, they’re here 50 minutes. We know they’re going to wait at least that long, maybe let’s say 20 minutes. We can say, okay, an event just happened. They entered the store, they had an appointment. So we’re aware that they’re sitting there. So this takes a little bit I don’t know why this one. Audience took all of it, but say we’re gonna. Call this the 20% off. What do they call this? 1% of products? All right, say this. And then we’re going to go orchestration. So we’re going to wait 15 minutes. Okay. So we have to change. This here because it defaults. Two days, 15. All right. You put labels on here. Labels are when you see labels in this, it’s mostly for finding stuff. It’s not you know, it’s also for titling. But let’s say same here. Another thing I find that I I’m not sure that this is if you try and save it, it’s going to save it as this. So I was go in. And say J am as smart as demo webinar, right. Obviously you would give it a better descriptor. Let’s see, you know, upsell 20% of. Products in store. Okay. You can set this. There’s a lot of things you get. You can run it for a specific date time. You can change your time zones. You can, you know, allow them to enter it again or not. All that configuration is here. We’ll save that. And then what’s the action? Well, in this case, it’s going to. Be less advanced message. So when we were looking at those channels before, these are examples of channels. These are basically the templates that have been built, channels that have been set up for specific purposes. Here we’re going to just bring our little Smurfs guy over here. So. All right. So this is going to be the 20%. Of products in spot. All right, then this everyone Warren here obviously could be. We’re going to find our. So these are all templates. So the way everything works in journeys or campaigns is you’ve created a template and then you’ll pull that up once again. This is a a sandbox. So there’s a lot of. Stuff in here. Yours will be so much more crystal clear. And then let’s go in here. We’ll go at it content. And you’re going to actually. See. It’s going to save it for you. You can actually see what it’s going to look like. Okay, this is a mobile SMS text. So we’re going to say. We sent off in store products. Now, the MMS part of this is is is media and images. If you have a damn, you can pull media from there. You can also. Say, I think this one goes in the bottom like I products or you or stay. You can add personalization to this which I’ll show you in a second here. And here’s the media. Now, this is not a great example because you’re usually me pulling these from a dam. Your dam, I’m just going. To put an image in here now. So we’ll see our little guy there. Right there. All right. So I see my products for your stay. Okay. All right. So we can go here. Now, this is the personalization part of it. Okay. So some of you may have seen this before here. So. You know, you can have a message. And then when I talk about that unified profile, all that stuff sitting there. So if you’re collecting names, addresses, you know, all sorts of things about your customers, that’s all going to be available in here. So in this case, well, let’s look for their. Name and boom. And that’s how that works. Once again, it’s sandbox. So I don’t know if this if the user I’m using this for has this name, but you get the idea you’ll have set up all your your profile that person dot first name data that’ll be sitting in AP. And if you want to really personalize as the person is literally sitting in the spa waiting for their appointment, you can say buy products for your stay person and that will come through in 15 minutes. As soon as they hit the beacon at the front door. Cool. All right. So that’s how that works. So So that’s an SMS. That’s an example of setting up an SMS journey, basically. And it’s fully personalized by products for your stay, 25% off. We could put links in here. You know, you can do a lot of things around the stuff that’s in here to get, you know, maybe bring them to your store online while they’re sitting there in your spa. All that stuff can happen here. But that’s basically in a nutshell that is how SMS works. Like I said, it gets a lot more complex, but I just wanted it from a sense as a beginner course. That’s how that works. So cool up back over here. All right, so that is. SMS. So now let’s talk about push configuration. You know. Obviously, make sure that you have the right permissions. You know, you have to be able to access to the admin console that you can select the Adobe Experience platform data collection card. Now, these are all things that are listed in experience experience league available just step by step. You just go down the list first thing. The second thing is you register your your mobile app. If you’re going to be using an app, which is like the the app or if you’re just doing the push. You’re also going to make sure that all your all your configuration within your push notification channel is set up in. John, it looks like we have a question in the chat. So Bogdan said how many segments messages will be sent with this example based on the UI? I would say two, but I’m not sure. We’re talking about this example here. Or Yes, Okay. Cool. Let me show you that then. This is saved. So I’m going to go over here. Where’s that? The others allow you. To set up the. Audience there. Let’s see. Oh, you mean how many under this single person who walked into the spa? This is going to be defined here. Oops, sorry. Here. Let’s just say it’s configurable. The configuration could happen in any of these to Let’s see if you had a second one of these that would show. Let’s go here quick. Why would you say two? I think it would just be the one and done. So what would you what if you wanted to send it more than once to the customer, you would add this again. Wait another 15 minutes and send it again. When we get into the push and the in app, there’s a there’s a frequency button that we can use to say send it every 5 minutes or opt out of it once this one is usually just the one, you know, use the events you’re in, you wait and then you send it. If you wanted to do more, you would start building paths off of this, to do to send other other you know, let’s say you send them this, they don’t click on it. Then you could send them a second one with a 30% off if you wanted to, right? I mean, that would be kind of weird, but you could do that. As far as I sent a follow up message saying, because the UI seems to show two message, two messages, actually one message and one SMS. Oh, I see what you’re saying. So got here. And then Jenna had a question. Does it automatically add an opt out to the SMS? Yes, the opt out will happen because you you’ve already built that into your template. So yes. And I can jump over there if we have time and show you like the templates themselves. Yeah, it’s it’s. I believe that this MMS is enhancing there the initial here because that’s where we got the image and everything. So it’s only going to be one message unless you say add some conditions. If they looked at it, if they opened it, if they did anything or if they didn’t, then you can continue sending them messages. But I’ll show you here with the push how. Things are a little bit different here. So basically, you know, configure everything for the push. We talked about that you know, define you go to the data source configuration to find a connection to the system. This is all within the first thing. These are basically just instructions that you’ll go through and then you test it, you test it on your mobile app and you can also test it as just a like a notification on on a phone. There’s a lot of stuff in here, but this looks like a lot more than it really is. And then, of course, once again, we’ll need a channel surface. Oops, a channel surface for push and then obviously build it and publish it. And I’ll I will now give you a demo of that. So here’s more links. Talk about a push ins just specifically. And let’s go back to our good friend here. Okay, cool. So now let’s let’s. Let’s create so for push, I’m going to do a campaign. I’m going to create a campaign. It’s a schedule there. There’s other types of campaign here. There’s marketing, there’s transactional API scheduling has everything within it. You know, here. All right. So I’m going to call this one. John. Basically, I want to send a notification to a phone. Let’s say I’m in a a grocery store or maybe it might be Beacon Power and I’ll show you a Beacon Power one, but it could be anything. I put something in my cart, you know, and therefore, we’re going to we’re going to send that to you. So we’re going to use the by example again, you know. And then John Bogdan did have another question. Oh, he said it can wait till the end. Never mind. Okay. Okay, cool. Okay, cool. So in this case, we’re going to select the audience here because it’s a campaign and once again, it’s a sandbox, as you can tell. But this one actually has 116. So we. Use this guy here. Identity type. I’m going to say phone this, be this key off of the phone number, for example, and here’s where you set up your picture. So once again, this is campaign. It’s a little bit different UI than what we were looking at in the journey. But we’ll still do a push notification. All right. Then we’ll go down here and pull up an app surface. So this is a surface slash using a template. Okay. We talked about this a little bit ago. And I think this is this guy, this one. Okay. You can also schedule here. You can see all the scheduling stuff, the frequency. You know, do we send it once? Do we wait, we send it more? Do we not, you know, do we cap it right? This whole experiment thing is, is the AB test where this is very target. Like, we’re not going to get into that today. We’re going to go take a look at. This and go in here in the push. And there you go. So this is an iOS. You also can look at an Android. Those are the two built in. So what is this? Oh, I’m doing something. I am near a spa, you know, get. Again, say get 20% off. Let’s see. This would have been in the audience, right? Your next spa treatment right. And just, you know, welcome. Right. And as you can see, as I’m typing this in, it’s really it’s really easy to use, you know, once you’ve done the back end configuration, just flip the switches. You just go in here and anybody can use this. You know, there’s different, you know, different types of click behaviors, different buttons. You can change the button type, you can add custom values into your data. Here badge. There’s everything you think of when you’re creating a push. Notification is accessible here and the media here. So you let’s say we wanted to add some media to the push. You can also do personalization, so click on personalization first, if I wanted to add Hello. All right. Like, hey. My marketing speak, isn’t that great. But am I. A person name that they’re. Right. Okay. And then let’s add media. So media is cool. So basically let’s talk about media. So if you’re including images when you’re using the you’re probably going to have assets assets inside ago in the asset. So this isn’t turned on to that. In assets here. Right. So this is kind of like an A It is it isn’t a component. It’s not the same as say, like experience fragments that you would use for target, but all your assets would most likely go in there because you’d have your brands, you know, you’d have your content people building them, etc… We don’t have that set up in here, but in your case, all, all our customers would see folders with their assets and say, okay, here’s the you know, here’s the picture of the spot for Wednesday, here’s the one for Friday, etc… Just this is kind of funny. So we love our generative AI, so let’s do like. That and read graphs. I just love. Fireflies. So fun. So the way generative AI works with Adobe is you train the model on your brands, you train it on your styles. So you know, whatever your brand is, you use a certain font, you have a certain style, maybe, you know, you definitely have certain, let’s say you sell, you know, furniture. You’re going to have your furniture in there. You can. Use. The AI assistant to build things with your stuff. Now, you know, nobody saw selling dresses for rabbits that I know of. But, you know, this could very easily be, you know, your your lawn chair, your grill, you know, anything that you want to include in this smells. Let’s say you’re going to say a hardware store. You know, you could have your your your your grill right here and and send that to your your customers. And they may be there if they’re in the area or whatever you’ve used to, to to send out this campaign. They might see that and be like, oh that’s weird. How do they know I needed a drill or a grill? Right? And boom, Oh, I’m near the hardware store. I’ll just pop in. So I just want to show you that generative AI aspect, which is just really, really cool. I think we check my notes here. I said, Can you also control the aspect ratio of the generated image? Yes, I can jump back in there. Let’s see. That’s a good question. Yeah. So there’s a brand asset. Yep, yep. Yeah. If you have if if you had a chance to look at Firefly, Firefly just, you know, anybody can make an account and it’s pretty neat the kind of stuff, you know, and then the real power for, you know, our customers. You know, a lot of people are in there making rabbits with red dresses. But, you know, the real power for our actual digital customers is uploading your brand training, your firefly to then create whatever you want to use here on the fly. So yes, I am. Oh, and so. So here’s another thing. So when you are using ego, you don’t have to recreate the wheel every time. One strategy for that, maybe when you when you get it installed, you go through all the it set up, you start experimenting like what we’re doing right here. Keep in mind that you can you can duplicate these things. Let me. Go here. So I’m ready to activate. I’m not pushing anything live. So this is this this button is your friend. So when you go in, let’s say you create some SMSs, you create some, some pushes, some push notification, you create your in-app stuff, sit down with your team and say, what are the kinds of things we’re going to be using? Oh, to send to our customers. And, you know, the first ones you build are experiments, but eventually you’re going to settle on, okay, we like this. These images are good. This is all reproducible the way the templates. And then you get your, let’s say, the one that you like. And then moving forward, you can duplicate and that’s how you save time. Within Agile, there’s there’s also something in Agile called fragments, which we won’t go over today. But when you’re building templates, you’re, when you’re building emails and all this other stuff, you can access fragments that are things that are already built and these things get really sophisticated. I’ve seen, you know, basically fragments that are going through all these profile checks to make sure the people are, you know, matching the thing and making decisions. They’re that you just drag in and you raise them. You know what, our footers and headers are a good example. You don’t have to rebuild these things every time. So just be aware that there’s the ability to create it once and maybe have different versions, you know, name, give them good names. Say this is the Monday campaign, the Tuesday campaign, you know, the holiday campaign, whatever. But then you can just keep duplicating them and building off of that. You don’t have to recreate the wheel. And in addition, you can use what’s called fragments. Cool. All right. So there’s something I want to show you. This guy somehow kick on. All right, good. So we’re not going to activate that and. Go back here. So let’s go. Take a look at in apps. So push it in app are really close. The only main difference is push obviously like we were just looking at goes to the phone you know once again make sure you’ve got the correct admin console and property and company rights to to to set this stuff up in Agile, you’ll need the data, this data collection set up. Oh shoot. Let’s see for the app app service, just to make sure all your data is flowing correctly, you will set up a merge policy which is easy too, easy to figure out, and then you’ll create your app surface. So you’ve built an app you want. When someone opens the app to send them an ego alert. You know, the push we just saw was on your phone. People disable those, you have to usually opt in to those. If someone has an app and they’re actively using your app, they’re not going to be able to disable these notifications and they want to see, you know, if they if they’ve taken the time to to intensely install your app. They care about whatever your businesses and they want to know what’s on sale or what’s what’s going on. So, you know, make sure that so you can just basically configure the app surface you update your there’s a data stream they’re easy, too easy to figure out. It’s all in the instructions. You have to set up the HBO tags extension, which is in Tags extensions catalog. I think. I didn’t take screenshots. Of these, so they’re. Yeah, these are not going to be set up correctly anyway. The app stuff happens in here, let’s just put it that way. I’ll send out more information. There’s there’s links at the end of this one that they can go over that and then you set up your SDK installation step. You’re going to need the SDK to be working within your app for this to work, right? Just like on a website, you’re going to need Web SDK to take advantage of APP and ago, you’ll do the same thing with your app and then you’ll, you’ll test it and then I’m going to demo right here creating an app messages, creating journeys with them, and then obviously publishing them to make them go live. So let’s do one more. Demo check time, check. I think we’re good. Cool. So we’ll go back to our friends camp chains. All right, So let’s create a. Once again schedule. There’s other trainings on this API stuff. The one thing I will say about Agile is underlying is are the APIs. The APIs are powerful, the things you can do with your own APIs. If if you’re looking in that direction there, there is training for that. So definitely dig deeper into that. So you are our app pane in this case. Oops. You know, I guess we’ll do this again. Trimester of and this one, I’m going to leave this as the default for all visitors. So the assumption here is we’re going to be sending them something from our store that isn’t Mills’s online store. And we want to give you, you know, Labor Days, 20% off sale. So I don’t have to select an audience if I want everyone who opens the app to get this, obviously you can select an audience that would say, you know, the people in the north east are getting bargains on snow tires and not the people in Florida because they don’t have snow tires. Yeah, these audiences can all be, you know, obviously personalized. But I think a lot of times with with just purchases in app, you’re going to activate it for all of users. And in this case, we can use the. Let’s use the email for this guy and we pull in our in-app here in that message. And once again as, as the campaign, if you recall on the journey we had, you know, the journeys have a lot of things going on where you can set up conditions and you know, you’re working in that main space with your initial event slash audience. Then conditions like the weight that we went over and then the subsequent, you know, in our case we were just sending an SMS, but you can set up, set an SMS and then send a push if you wanted to, and then send an in-app message. There’s a lot of things you can do in Journey in Here. We’re just going to go here and say it’s a mobile because it’s an app on a poor app surface here, which is. To and I think sent and built a nice little test up there. And once again you’ve got your scheduling when you when it’s going to how long it’s going to go, etc. All this stuff is on here. You can, you can edit triggers. So in this case it’s just did they open up the app? Didn’t you know, it could be scroll events etc. You could set up your triggers here for your app. Yeah. Once again, I mean, this is a big deal, right? I mean, back in the day when I was working with some other tools, you know, this was all API stuff that you had to build yourself. There was all, you know, the triggers, you know, you were introducing stuff through the app, but you are, you’re literally building out all this API. So this is a UI that does that, which is amazing, which makes things a lot easier. All right. So we’re going to add this content. All right. So in this case, here’s our app. You know that you have the different message layouts, different types of buttons, etc… This is pointing to the sandbox CD net, which is this thing here you can put alt text in there. So let’s say things like. This weekend and only 20% of you know, funny. Oh good. You are young or 20% off if you come in or online. Right. And in this case you could put in your target if you had a you know, if you’re inside this, this would be a page in your app or on your site. We’ll just put. Adobe in here easy and this what it looks like. So sorry I said so as was typing all that stuff, it was coming in. Once again, you have your personalization there. I wanted to. Hello so name. This is sitting in my unified profile. Boom. Hello. Hello John. You can get 20% off if you come in or buy online right now. Right. That’s what we want. You know, obviously here. If I have. Time, I might have time to go and show you this. But there’s links on testing this stuff and it’s that simple. I mean, that’s you just created an in-app notification with these, what, three UI screens. If you activate, you see what it looks like. This button will take this button in this case will take you to Dobie icon but this would take you to either your your online store, the web or something within the app. One thing I will notice is preview on device is kind of cool. Let me show you this. I have another from our amazing people who did a summit presentation. This is available. But basically if you click on this, you just provide session details, open a link in an app and this and this is what you’ll get. You’ll get a QR scanning code. You go through this thing called assurance and then you can the testing is so simple, it’s it you set it up once, once again, it connects you and you can just basically test on your phone just by going through this cool preview area. So, you know, there’s a lot more like it once. Once again, this is a very beginner course. There is a lot more you can do with images, with personalization, with all of stuff. But just to see I just want to show you how simple this is. Once you’ve done the back end configuration once again, in this case, you’ll have to have the Web SDK running in your app for this to work. So there you go for that. And then I think we are getting close. So. All right, cool. So for my part, we’ve gone over the three types of features within ago that are mobile, mobile based SMS push and in APP, there’s a lot more to learn. I just wanted to give you a high level, you know, here’s how you do it and then here’s how you here’s a demo on what it looks like when you’re using the UI and Sam wants to say, I’m I’m going to hand it over to you since we do have a little bit of time left. To talk about. Commerce, Do you want to take the direct. So. You just click Next slide. Appreciate it. It got Okay, great. And so before we head into Q&A, I think we had a couple questions left unanswered. I wanted to provide a quick plug for my bread and butter adobe commerce and what mobile experiences with Adobe Commerce can look like. I’ll have this more as a leave behind this. I know for the purpose of today’s call, this this might not be as relevant to those in the audience, but it did want to say that also Adobe Commerce and Adobe Journey Optimizer can be integrated and they can be integrated with the Experience Platform connector to unlock commerce data and deliver end to end personalized shop shopper experiences and real time with the help of Adobe Journey optimize here. So we’ll all share this in the back. But just wanted to add a quick plug. And so with that we can, we can head into the Q&A portion. Um, and looking at the chat, I think I did answer a lot of these in the Q&A pod. Um, and, and let’s see any other ones we have in the chat here. Okay. It looks like we have one unanswered one from Bogdan that. I might have you take this one. John So in the chat part of the Q&A part, Bogdan asked, Where can we see if we have a multipart SMS? More than 165 characters for GSM encoding or 75 characters for us as to encoding. Okay, where is that impression here? Yep. Okay. Where can we see if we have a multipart SMS? Hmm. That’s a great question. We can take a look. Let’s see here on these are events. This may not be a place none. Of this stuff is customer specific. So I can see that that would be in here. Simmons Credentials, No API credentials. Maybe it’s an it might be in here. It’s not. Hmm. That’s a good question. I, um. Let me make sure I don’t lose this. We have everyone’s email, right? Mm. We do, Yes. Okay. I’m going to. I will find out for you again. I off the top of my head. I do not know that. So I will find that out for you. And you’re basically saying, where do you find that in. Oh, correct. Okay. So. All right, so you have it. Okay, got it. Got it, got it, got it. Okay, cool. Yep. I can I can I can find that out for you and I can get back to you. Okay, great. Any other questions While we have a few minutes left? Well, I hope this was helpful. I hope that you got. Yeah, And it was fun. It was fun to do. But it’s a great tool. Is is is just amazing, the things it can do. Like I said, we were on kind of a, you know, basic beginner level, but I hope that helps you all level set enough to really start using it and have things configured. Like it looks like. Bob with us, one more question there. John. Got it. Well, well, have other questions. Tracking on azimuth. How does that work. On SMSs, huh? The click is track. The click is tracked when you land. So it’s not necessarily clicking. Yeah. So it’s if you if you click and you end up on a website that will be tracked and then inside the click track itself, there’s going to be. Let me think here. Because you’re using are you using CGA or. Let’s see, I. Think it depends on CGA. Or A. So I could definitely tell you how it works for well I can tell you how clicks work for a CGA may just be entirely built in, it might just happen. Oh, you’re not okay. You might be referring to the Campaign Global Report and Journey Global Report, and now that’s out of the box. I provided some links in the chat there. We can also take that as Yeah, he said yes. Okay. So he’s looking at the global report inside. Yeah. Okay. Here. Yep. Once, once again. But off the top of my head, I cannot tell you. I will find out for you. Why one of these. I’m afraid to click on some of these in case they have customer data, even though it is a sandbox. Yeah. Yep. Yep. So you’re talking about how is this tracked on the SMBs side? Because inherently there is no web SDK on. I suppose the app would be through the Web SDK or the web or email. Good question. We will figure that. I will figure that out for you. Okay, great. Well, we’re at the top of the hour here, and I just wanted to close out. So thanks again to all of you for taking the time to join the session today. We hope to have your company again on future webinars. I am sharing a link in the chat to collect feedback from today’s session. If you wouldn’t mind filling that out, that would be great. It’s only two questions and thanks again and have a great day. Thanks everybody.
Top 5 Key Points
Agile Essentials Mobile Capabilities
- Focus on optimizing mobile capabilities through Agile’s Journey Optimizer tool.
- Deliver personalized messaging across different channels and integrate customer data for personalized experiences.
SMS Configuration Setup
- Importance of integrating with third-party SMS service providers and configuring API credentials.
- Creation of channel services for effective SMS communication with customers.
Push Notification Configuration
- Defining audience, scheduling, and building push notifications with personalized content and media.
- Utilizing generative AI, like Firefly, for creating personalized images based on brand styles.
App Development and Services
- Setting up app services with correct admin console, property, and company rights.
- Configuring in-app notifications for user engagement and personalizing messages based on audience segments.
Duplication and Reuse of Templates
- Emphasized the efficiency of duplicating and reusing templates and fragments for saving time and maintaining consistency in messaging and branding across campaigns.
- Highlighted the benefits of creating once and duplicating for different campaigns, ensuring a streamlined process for future marketing initiatives.