- This session will be recorded and the on-demand video will be available right here where you joined the topic. As always, please make sure to ask any questions in the Q and A pod on the right side of the screen. We have some Adobe experts here to help and we’ll also have a live Q and A session at the end of my demo. We’ll answer as many questions as possible, but for those who aren’t able to get to, there are several great resources that you can visit to learn more. We’ve dropped those in the Q and A pod for you to bookmark. So I’ve used Salesforce for a long time and I know it can be really cumbersome when you’re trying to, you know, save data, create documents you have to download the data, cut and paste, you know, upload documents. And then when you wanna send it for signature, you’re uploading documents again, they’re signing it, scanning it, re-uploading it. And it’s just a really, really cumbersome process. So I’m gonna show you today a much more simplistic way of doing this. It’s gonna save you a lot of time, a lot of effort. (upbeat music) Hello, my name is Chad Keesling, I’m a Principal Technical Marketing Manager at Adobe. Today, I’m gonna demonstrate a powerful new solution that is an add-on to Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce. Instead of just using static document templates, Document Builder allows you to dynamically generate a document prior to sending for signature. Okay, before we get too deep, we have a quick poll for you. Thanks for your responses. I’d like to start out with an easy poll. What’s your experience level with Adobe Acrobat Sign? Just like Acrobat Sign for Salesforce, this new capability is included with your Acrobat sign licensing. In this demonstration, I’ll walk you step by step through the process of configuring Document Builder for Acrobat Sign. Okay, let me show you where to start in Salesforce. Before we can use Document Builder, the managed package will need to be installed. The prerequisite package Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce managed package will need to have already been installed. Get with your Salesforce administrator to have them perform these tasks. Once the Document Builder has been installed, an initial configuration must be completed. Click on the app, select or waffle and type in document, click on Document Builder admin then click on connect, type in your Adobe Acrobat sign user ID and password and sign in and click allow access. And that’s all you have to do. Click on done, refresh the screen and you’ll see that it has been connected. If you recall, Acrobat Sign for Salesforce leverages two types of templates. The first type is a document template and the other is an agreement template that allows you to predefine all the settings, recipients, files and document templates that will be sent for signature. I’ll start by clicking on agreement templates, create a new agreement template. Give it a name, I’ll change the agreement name to sales order agreement. Here, I specify the object type. In this case, we’re going to be working with an opportunity object type then we’ll leave all the rest as defaults. Next, I’ll click on the attachment tab, this is actually where all the magic occurs with Document Builder. Just with Acrobat Sign for Salesforce, you used to be ale to only add static files and templates, but now we’ve included a new tab where you can create a new template. This is a kind of template that we are going to be introducing, and this is a Document Builder template. So I click on new, give it a name, sales order Document Builder, and click create. In this page, you can set what you want the default data to be used to pre-populate the template so you can visualize what the actual document is going to look like, I’m going to select this Burlington Textiles weaving plant generator data file and click next. In this tab is where you can specify what fields within Salesforce you want to map into your document. We’re going to start by clicking add and it presents you with a list of all the various fields that are available. We’re going to start with the basic ones, the ones that I just want to copy from the opportunity object. We’re going to start with amount. This is the amount of the opportunity, then we can also specify related records or also use lookup records to identify information, say, for example, from the account. So I’ll come down here and you can see the account ID. In this case, I’m going to add account name, billing street, I’m going to add the billing state as well. Next, I’m going to add the field for the opportunity owner and then I’ll select the full name. You can also add fields that include multiple line items like product information. So if I come down and select opportunity product, I can select multiple fields that are included with those line items.
So, for example, I can include product name, quantity, select list price, and we’ll also select total price.
Now, as I’ve been adding these fields, you can see on the right, it is using that sample data to pre-populate and give me an idea of what those fields re going to look like. Then I’ll hit next. This screen shows me the fields that I added, but it also shows me the tags that will be used to map the information into the document. I can copy those individually or I can also download the data as a tire JSON file. That’s what I’m going to do. And I’ll also show you how I can leverage that JSON file in building our document template, that’ll be used for the document generation process, so I download the JSON.
Before I continue here in Salesforce, let’s divert our attention to the other part of the Document Builder configuration this actually occurs in Microsoft Word. As a part of Document Builder, Adobe has created a Microsoft Word add-in that makes it incredibly easy for just about anyone to create dynamic templates that will be the basis for our generated document. To get the add-in, we go to the Microsoft App Store site, type Adobe document in the search bar and click on Adobe generation and we click on get it now. Then when we open Microsoft Word, you’ll see over on the right here’s document generation and we click on get started. From there, this is where we upload the JSON file that we downloaded from Salesforce. So I’m gonna click on upload JSON button, there’s our sales order, JSON file, but now click on generate tags. That’s going to create a really, really simple way that we can identify the fields that I just saved from Salesforce. I’ll use that to add the tags into the template. So I’m just using a sample document projected sales order. Here, I’m going to be entering the fields by clicking on, for example, under customer, I’m going to go under account, click on the name and insert that field. So now you can see the tag that we saw in Salesforce matches the account name. I’m going to add in the name of the owner into the prepared by and insert that tag. Then what I’m going to do is actually add the product information. In order to do that, I’m going to go into our advanced tab, click under tables and lists. I’m entering a table. Here’s my opportunity line item. I’m gonna add the specific fields from that line item list. First I’ll add name, quantity, list price and total price.
I’m going to insert that table into my document and that’s all I have to do. And these line items will grow dynamically based upon the number of line items in this Salesforce record, it’ll even break pages. In addition to that, I’m going to put in again the name of the account, go back to basic and then add the street address. Before I leave, I’m going to add an additional really powerful feature within Document Builder that allows you to be able to conditionally include content. So let’s just say that a particular special term only applies for situations where a customer’s account is located in Texas. I wanna go back to my advanced tab and look under conditional content. I’m gonna say that I want to, based upon the billing state if it equals Texas, I’m going to insert this condition. So now a specific term will only be shown in the document when the billing state is Texas. Otherwise, it will be completely removed from the document and all white spaces removed. You’ll have no idea that there was ever something there. Now, I also wanna make it clear that there are some other options in here. I can dynamically include images based upon URLs, I can include numeric calculations so I can do sums and aggregations, for example. There’s a lot of power built-in with this add-in that makes it really simple to add a complex capability to your document as it’s being built. Also, I wanna make sure that you can understand that I can add Adobe Acrobat Sign tags, Document Builder tags are only used or leveraged during the document generation building period. Adobe Sign tags allow me to identify signature fields, additional fillable fields, the name of the signer and dates, for example, also, I can add fields, for example, that I can have as fillable after the document is generated as it’s being sent by Adobe Acrobat Sign. So I have two different types of tags in one template. I’ve got the document generation tags that I just entered and I also have Adobe Acrobat Sign tags that are ignored by Document Builder during the build process, but then are recognized by Adobe Acrobat Sign. Now that I’m done with my Word template, let’s go back where we left off in Salesforce when we generated the Document Builder template here’s where I downloaded the JSON, I’m going to click next. And now it’s asking me to upload the file, the Word document that we just created, click done and click next. Now I have the opportunity to preview the output of the document generation process. There you go. Here’s the output of document generation using this sample data that we provided earlier. You can see there’s my customer name, the preparer, I’ve got all my data from the product records, a variable amount of information that’s been added to the table. And also notice that my special term has been added because the state was Texas. I do have these additional tags down here. These tags are only recognized by Adobe Acrobat Sign and they are ignored by Document Builder. So let’s close here. And now that we’re done, we can click save and close. This is the completion of the Document Builder template. Right now, I need to complete the agreement template back in Salesforce. I’ve already created the template information about the name of the type, I’ve already completed the attachment, which was our Document Builder template which is listed down here. You do have the opportunity to go back in and edit it if it’s required. Now I’m going to specify recipients. So there I’ve got me as the first recipient, I’ve got the customer who is a second recipient. I’m also going to include Adobe Acrobat Sign data mapping. I’m not going to go into the details of this, that is part of the Acrobat Sign for Salesforce process. I’ll click save. And now we have our completed Adobe Acrobat Sign for Salesforce agreement template. Let’s recap what you just saw, for the configuration of Document Builder, we initially create an agreement template. In that agreement template, we create a Document Builder template where we map data fields and create a JSON file that we use to define tags with the Adobe add-in in Microsoft Word. Now, when we go back into the opportunity record, we’ll open up our Burlington Textiles weaving opportunity. Now we see over here our lightning component for Adobe Acrobat Sign. I come down and click on the sales order agreement template. Also note, that I’ve got two products listed here in the opportunity, and that will open us up into the settings for the agreement template. You see, I’ve got the recipient I defined, there’s the second recipient, which is the customer. And also the document that was just on the fly generated leveraging that Document Builder template automatically and got added into this document to be signed. From there just like normal, I’ve got all the various options that I want to include, but I’ll go ahead and just leave all the defaults. And then I’ll go ahead and click send. Because I’m the first signer, it automatically brings up a document for me to sign before it is sent to the customer. Notice here, just like in preview, my products have already been pre-populated because my business state is Texas, the special term is included and here are the process sign tags that were recognized by Adobe Acrobat Sign process. So I’ll go ahead and click to sign and click to apply and click sign. So again, I’m acting as a salesperson sending for signature to the customer. Click okay. The customer will then see the document that I signed in their email. Notice the updated status of the agreement here. So I’ve got the original version of the document that was generated from Document Builder and I’ve got the version that was signed by me before it was sent out and I also get a preview along with all the events that occurred during that process. Now we’ll jump over and check out the email that was sent to the customer for them to sign. A couple of important points to note. With a single click of the button, I’ve been able to dynamically transfer data from Salesforce into a document, dynamically build that document based upon a set of rules automatically add that generated document into an agreement template and send it for signature with literally one click that saves a significant amount of time, reduced a total amount of errors from transferring data from one system to the other, and really, really streamline the process in terms of the speed of being able to generate the appropriate document sending to the right person at the right time. Now with the customer logging into their email, they get an email notice saying that they have a document to review and sign. So I click on sign. As usual, it brings me up into the document to sign with Adobe Acrobat Sign and notice I have a fillable field here. So if you remember from the template that I created in Word, I added the tag for a fillable field for the PO number. So that is a required field. And from the customer signature perspective, I’m done. Let’s take a look back in Salesforce and see the current status. So back here in the agreement record, you see that the document has been signed. I’ve got three versions now of the document, the original, the first signature for myself and the second from the customer. The image of the actual document of all the events that occurred. I’m gonna do this one more time. I’m going to illustrate by adding an additional product that the table of the document generation will actually dynamically grow. Go back into the opportunity, notice I have my first agreement that I just sent. I’ll create an additional product. I’ll put in a quantity. Now you see, I have three products. Once again, I do a send, click on the send button. Now you can see I’ve got three products list to the table. I’m not gonna go through that process since we already saw it. Today, we saw a number of things. We saw how you can set up and configure Adobe Document Builder for Salesforce. We saw how you can create a Document Builder template and map any data, including multi-line data and images from Salesforce and create a downloadable JSON file. That JSUN file was then imported into a Word document using Adobe Document Generation Word add-in, then we used the add-in to insert the various tags into the Word document. We uploaded the Word document into our Document Builder template. And finally, we triggered the Document Builder and sent for signature with a simple click on the button. As a reminder, this session is being recorded and will be available here where you joined in 24 hours and we will also be sending you an email reminder. So before we get to the live Q and A, let me point out for you a few resources you can bookmark to help you find answers to any questions we weren’t able to get to today. We’ll drop the links in the Q and A pod for you. The first is the Adobe Help center where you’ll find user guides tutorials and can use the search function to find what you’re looking for. Next is the Adobe Experience League. Here you can access a vast library of learning content and courses, get personalized recommendations and connect with fellow learners. The Acrobat Sign support community is another resource where you can view past discussions, join current ones, or start your own. These monthly skill builder webinars and past on-demand webinars are a great place to learn new skills or brush up on existing. You can register for future events and watch past webinars on demand. And finally, the Acrobat Sign Resource Hub is a one-stop shop for everything Acrobat Sign. It includes tips and tricks, tutorials, customer stories and the latest integrations and more. We’re always updating and adding to it, so check back frequently. And I have one last poll for you. Love to know if you learned anything new from today’s session.
Thanks for joining. It’s been great to be with you and I’m excited to see what you come up with. I’m Chad Keesling, and thanks again for joining me today for this Acrobat Sign skill builder. Well, with that, let’s go ahead and jump over to the Q and A. (soft music)